Take a gander.

So I was up until 3 am the night before working on my portfolio. So I guess I lied, my portfolio, I had to finish so that Kathy could print out the files at work. If you did not read the previous blogs, you know why I did not go to Kinkos or UPS, THEY NEED TO UPGRADE THEIR COMPUTERS!
So I wait, and wait, and wait, hear the door buzzer and it is no one! I need to ask Kathy how to work that thing, and wait, and wait, and wait, and check my emails, and wait, look thru magazines and wait, and text Kathy and Sarah that I am heating up the lasanga from last week, and wait, and wait, and wait, I take out the lasanga from the freezer, and wait, and wait, watch Made of Honor, and wait, and wait, and FINALLY at 5:45pm, I hear heavens bells, and damn it I don't know how to use the door buzzer. I run out the door and down the stairs and I see the big brown trunk and someone carrying my boxes! Sweet!
I start to unpack and guess what....that three sets of hangers I bought last week at Target, well it wasnt enough! I guess it is another Target run this weekend. But who cares! I got my boxes and I have my portfolio for my interview the next day.
Kathy comes home and she sees my boxes and says 'thats not much at all, you didn't bring that much.' Can you say music to my ears! Yen and Trang, Please translate this for Mom, or make her read this!
I preheat the oven and put the lasanga in at 6:30, put the timer to 37 minutes and can't wait to eat cuz I did not eat anything all day! 7:15 dinner is done...... We let the lasanga cool. 7:30 we are ready to eat. I go to cut and check to make sure the lasanga cooked all the way thru, and what do I find. Cold lasanga. ummmmmm! Yummy! F! This is why I do not cook! Only trust me with slicing cheese, putting it on a tortilla and pop it in the microwave! Instant dinner! Now that is what I call DELICIOUS!
TIP #3: Never let me cook anything!
This blog is dedicated to Kathy! She is the bestest roommate ever! She printed everything at work for my portfolio!
you are too funny. i would like to think that you would have done the same for me too, so don't worry about it!
i think you're suppose to let the lasagne defrost in the refrigerator before you bake it...oh well....
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