Mission #1: Find Fried onions! (ummmm is it weird that I keep spelling friend instead of fried?)
Woke up...and did I have fried onions on my mind...... NO! It was pretty much............. COMMMPUTTERRRR.....ONNNNNN....NOOOOOOWWWWW...... yep...that was my day...in front of the computer until I had to leave for Amanda's at 5.
I leave for Amanda's with the WILL to find the fried onions! Places I went:
-Duane Reade, that was a bust
-I call Kathy to see if there are any grocery stores in the area and I talk to Amanda and she tells me to head west.... whatever that meant....I went in a direction and found whole foods. Also a bust....
-I see an Amish supermarket and try to test my luck...eventhough I am 30 minutes late already. I find Nutella for $2.00 (best deal ever!) and no friend onions. At this point I don't even want to make grommet mac n' cheese....what is this dish without the fried onions.....I do not want to know. I roam around the store a bit more and buy some brie, crackers, and grapes, I mean if I was coming late I need to bring a present right?
TIP #8: If you are late, YOU NEED TO BRING A PRESENT!
So leaving the store......I see Todd Oldham........ the designer.....walk by me....I turn around to make sure it was him....and oh my freaking googleness....it was him....then I thought I need to tackle him and ask for a job....Hey what do I have to loose right? Thought....but no action!
After seeing him I speed walk style it to Amanda's and am greeted by:

Then I push her over to start making the mac n' cheese w/out friend onions. So while there I complaint to everyone that it will not be that good because I do not have the friend onions but everyone decides that we should put crumbled crackers on top to make it kinda crunchy..... I grumble a bit and cave in.
The end product....an amazing 1st try at grommet mac n' cheese w/ crumbled crackers.
Inbetween all this everyone starts to sip there wine with the straws.....huh...... Stephanie get poked in the eye with Kathy's my little pony hat, monika is on floor hysterically laughing her ass off, Alex gets tricked into coming to the girl fest, we get some sex education, and sarah is in the kitchen washing the cheese off the plates...... WHY oh WHY!
Quote #1: 'dirty is the new clean'
1 comment:
hey sis,
i think Target may have the fried onion stuff....they have a grocery section...so go check it out if you go to target...good luck!
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