Anyways, today was a bust! I was suppose to go to the MET today but my body told me I was too tired. So I didn't go. TIP #6: Listen to your body! It is never wrong (Please do not quote me on this!) So I decided to go to the Goodwill a few blocks away from the apartment to look for a chair and some drink glasses. Its not that far and I would be there and back in less than 1 hr. In between all this intense planning.... Kathy gmail chats me and she sends me a link to this really cool thrift/vintage store in Greenbrook, Brooklyn and another store called 'JUNK' in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I was thinking...great! I can go to two places at once and then go back home....its a plan! At this point I am totally amped to go vintage shopping....FINALLY! but then I look at the 'JUNK' website and I get deflated and do not want to go there anymore and just want to go to Greenbrook to hit the vintage store and the Salvation Army store, which is also in Greenbrook. I tell Kathy my ingenious plan and she reminds me that her friend got mugged there. At this point, I am over it! How would that sound if this blog ended up with photos of be beaten up? HUMMMMM.....that would be an interesting post.... But then I would be on the next flight home to the OC.... which would be nice also, hummmmm......
HEY! I did not go right! GEEZ! I told Kathy I will save my mugging when she is with me.
So I head out for my 1st NY Goodwill excursion. On my 12 minute walk there, I pass some grocery street vendors, selling garlic-2bags for $1, large avocados for $1 each, grapes for $1, pineapples for $2, all pretty great deals. I finally get to Goodwill and the store probably wreaked but I think I am immune to that smell now (Is that gross?). I rummage thru the racks for about 5 minutes and tell myself I need a chair, and drink glasses. I head down stairs to look for my treasure. I head to the back of the floor and I find a rolled up West Elm display rug. I check for use and it has not been had all its floor display tags still on it. SWEET! but it did not have a price. Like the cheap ass I am, I tell myself I want it only if it is less than $20. I go up to ask the cashier and they say $14.99 and I said SOLD! I got a rug..... It does not really match my spring green walls or my sheets, or my new lime green table....but you know what! I am on a budget until I get a job....I could care less if my room does not match! Its gonna be filled with crap soon enough and you won't be able to see anything anyways (High fives all around, Am I right! Of course I am! If you have not seen my old room, just be thankful you did not fall into the dark abyss.)
So I get home and start to put the my desk together...
The table still in its original wrapping!
I head home and I make dinner! Can you believe it...I am being domestic. I'll give myself a pat on the back since no one is here to do it for me! GEEZ! Lame? FORSHO!
*Greenpoint, not Greenbrook.
you got to survive out in the wild by starting somewhere......
:) cool desk
i'm sooo proud of you...saving money and're becoming a big girl :0) Your table looks lovely and a high five on the rug. Miss ya sis!
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