What did we do? Well, let me tell you.
We go to Barney's New York and what happens, I get inspired! Finally!
We go to Diesel, walk thru the mens department and thought it was the womens department.
We go to HEAVEN! Also known as Dylan's Candy store. Do I have pictures.....well of course! Take a gander!
We walk thru Calvin Klien
We go to Union Square and have lunch at Coffee Shop
We walk down to Soho.
Blah Blah Blah.
We go to Prada. The million dollar structure. Ashley makes a comment about Prada and D&G mens underwear.....huh.....
Walk to Chinatown to go to Canal subway stop and go home.
Okay little side note. While on the bus ride home, I see a guy reading a comic book. You will never guess what! HOWARD THE DUCK! OMG OMG OMG OMG SHOUT OUT TO THE 80's please!
I had to put this picture! HAHAHHAHAHAH I know you all want to watch it now!
I will leave it at that.
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