9.18.08 CHA GIO FEAST?

After talking with Jill (the staffing agent) I decided I wanted to discover one part of the city and see if I could find any galleries.
I got to discover the East Village.
I took the A train to the L train that runs across town.
WELL, on the L train this Bum #1 comes into the car and starts to preach/yelling to us, let me see if I can remember what he said.......
-'you can at least look at me, we are all the same, black, white, Asian, Persian, Caucasian'
-'you are all hyprocrites'
-'all you with money and power should do some good, if you are THANK YOU! If you are not, stop bullshitting everyone and wake up!'
I have been scared numerous times, but he takes the wedding cake! I was seriously afraid to look at him, and if he asked for money, I would have given him everything!

I finally got off the L train and started to walk down 14th Ave and saw this pretty building blowing up smoke, like most NY'ers!

Isn't he pretty?
9th St Park (corner)
Gallery I went into. I reminded me of a blog kinda..... Gallery had photographs of friends, buildings, and things. I think all the photos were taken in Japan. What I really liked out of the gallery was an image of a side of an apartment building with clothes out on the fire escape drying.... my bad...I just looked up the website and the artist name is Haruto Hoshi. And the other image I liked was of a girl in her PJs in the middle of the street. I would totally steal the image (like the good Asian girl I am) but I do not want any headaches or you guys turning me in for shits and giggles! So check out the link below.... http://mwakasapresents.com/artists/hoshi/hoshi_w09.html

I do not know why I took this...

Okay there was totally good reason for this photo! Approximately 5 seconds before my stupid camera was ready to take the photo, this doggy was in full stride, walking
nonchalantly, then all of the sudden he his on his stomach with all legs at 90 degree angles. Oh man! Stupid camera! that would have been an amazing shot! I mean don't get me wrong, this photo is good too with his sunglasses but only if! only if I was 2 seconds faster!

Red Door #1: I guess I am gonna start taking photos of doors now.....

Trying to take a photo very discreetly!
It reminds me of the Patel Family! Pray anywhere!

Pile of wood.
So.....walking around the East Village, I started to think about dog S***. Why you might ask...well.....the city is covered it! Uh huh! If you are too cool and are looking straight at head and not at the ground...you are gonna step in dog S***, NY'ers stop trying to look cool and watch for the S***!
Tip #7: Watch for the Dog S***, people here do not curb there dogs!
Anyways, I was thinking that one day I will be off guard and my shoe will be in dog S***, and thought it would be a great post! Who wants to see this post! I do! I do!

Outside Virgin Megastore. These guys were AMAZING! They were just rocking out!

34th St entertainer! I HAVE video!!! I love his dance moooves.

The color is amazing!

Charity man! Supposedly this guy walks around asking people to donate .25 to the charity. Kathy said that one time he came up to her and asked for a quarter and he full out yelled at her! People here are crazy! Well, did I want the chance of getting yelled at....ummmm no not so much! I forked over a quarter to save myself.

Smokers on Broadway! I HATE YOU ALL!

So Kathy and some friends decide they wanted Vietnamese. Usually my answer is F no! But it has been 2 weeks and no Vietnamese food. Oddly I was very happy to go. See how happy I am below.....

This is the sad attempt at trying to jump, click my feet with jazz hands... SOOO SAD indeed!
So while outside NHA TRANG, Kathy tries to say it. Let me tell you right now....she is Asian but she is not Vietnamese! She totally butchered the name, like how everyone who first meets me calls me JUAN or OWEN! After a few failed attempts....I just told her to stop....Lets just say it sounded like NEEEEEE CHEN.
So what did everyone order..... Courtney and Jayne order Pho. Kathy and I order Rice Vermicelli. Kathy gets it with beef and I get it with Cha Gio (for you non Vietnamese and some Vietnamese peeps ( I am soo disappointed)) it is egg rolls. I am totally psyched for this dinner and I get deflated with I take the 1st bite of the Cha Gio. Ummmm not soo good! I need to go Vietnamese restaurant hunting here otherwise I am gonna go CRAZY! To be continued on the treasure hunt for Vietnamese!

A really amazing vintage store in the Lower East side. It is vintage shoe Heaven!

After a few too many drinks at the Library in the East Village.....Courtney was feeling a bit bummed so we decide she needs to give me a piggy back ride! I love these! Mark you are you ready!

Walking and texting is very dangerous!

Pomme Frites
So while at the Library I get the cravings for french fries! Fries are sooo good after drinking! On the far right, that is the lucky gentleman that got our pomme frites we did not finish! Can you see how happy he is that he did not have to pay for food and that he has more money for drinks!

The PO PO on horsies!
So how did we end the night...We go to get sake bombs! Ummm.... not so good! I tell everyone I can't do a sake bomb cuz it will totally come back up! But everyone still demands I take one!
Roger orders edamame, dry squid, sake and 5 sake bombs. But I yell to 'Garlic Mashed Potatos (the bartender)' '4', then Kathy yells '5', and I yell back '4' and then I get death stares from everyone and shut up!
We are all enjoying (kinda) the sake, edamame and squid and then the sake bombs come!
Thankfully 'Garlic Mashed Potatos' brought only 4, I guess he knew I was weak sauce! hehehe If he brought one for me the PO PO on the horsies would have to take me home!

1 comment:

yen said...

Try out of few of these places...i found them on yahoo. They all pretty much go four stars to five stars. So they should be really good :0)


Saigon Grill
(212) 875-9072
620 Amsterdam Ave, #90
New York, NY 10024
Cross Streets: Between W 90th St and W 91st St

Nam Son Vietnamese Restaurant
(212) 966-6507
245 Grand St
New York, NY 10002
Cross Streets: Between Bowery and Chrystie St

Saigon Grill
(212) 996-4600
1700 2nd Ave
New York, NY 10128
Cross Streets: Between E 88th St and E 89th St

(212) 580-8686
435 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10024
Cross Streets: Between W 81st St and W 80th St

Miss Saigon
(212) 988-8828
1425 3rd Ave
New York, NY 10028
Cross Streets: Between E 81st St and E 80th St


Seeda Thai
(212) 586-4040
309 W 50th St
New York, NY 10019
Cross Streets: Near the intersection of W 50th St and Gershwin Way/8th Ave