We back to my Target trip, I got there and got a grip load of hangers and finally felt complete! But since it was still early and I knew the girls were not up yet, I decided to stop by Marshall's to look around a bit. I found myself in home section and found an amazing rug....take a look see! It was only $29.99.
I got home around 11ish and start to hang up my clothes and put my rug around the table....look...its already full! I feel at home now.... and my room is a mess! IT IS HOME!
I did not have anything planned for the day but Kathy finds out that 'Choke' just opened and wants to go see it..... I asked who is in the movie and she says Sam Rockwell and Angelica Houston. Those two names alone made me get off my computer chair....I mean I totally could have been at home blogging about nothing but I felt like this was a better choice......I hope....
...GO SEE IT!...
So we finally get off the couch and head out in the humid, rainy city. But 1st stop is Home Depot for the bed stablizers. Great invention!

So I have been craving some sushi since I got here...... All I wanted was GOOD sushi! What did I get... okay sushi, but found a new beer! Kirin Light! WOOOO WHOOOO!!!! Its all about the beer now.....Beer gut here I come! Follow in my Father's foot steps!
After the movie, we walk down to Chinatown to have a drink with Paolo at Fontana's. Before we walk in, the bouncer says to go all the way to the back......that's all he says.... we walk in and this place is packed! Right when we walk in we already saw people right at the door and eyes on us....I felt very violated...... after about 5 minutes in that place and not finding Paolo we walked right back out. On our journey of pushing people out of the way and side stepping to the front door I almost tripped a girl with my bag. I obviously apologize to her (like the nice person I am) but she looks back at me with the death stare.....I guess she did not want me to apologize...huh..... Well at that point...I wished I had just made her fall flat on her face.....
At this point, it is about 1am, so we walk to the train station to catch the train home. On our walk there.... we see Douche #3- we walks pass us saying 'Ching, chong, chen.' Apparently we were supposed to understand this, I start to look over at Kathy and at moment she says 'F YOU!'
So question..... do all Asians speak the same language? Do we all look the same? Or was this douche just trying to make us swoon over his ignorance? Please enlighten me...I would LOVE to know! Oh man....... I heart NY!
I walk up the stairs and there is grip load of people trying to get out onto the streets....walking up the stairs..I walk the pace everyone else on the stairs is walking....I get the surface and the Douche #4 behind me says under is breathe, 'F*** can you walk any faster.' I turn around and I looked at him with the death stare 'Uhhhhhhh ooooooookkkkkayyyyy.' I find Kathy and complain that people here are F***ing rude here. I mean seriously....was I supposed to zig and zag thru people walking up the stairs...cuz seriously.... we were like ants walking up the stairs....or was I supposed to grow longer legs so that I can skip steps like him.....I don't get it.... I mean seriously...he was not going to get any where faster....he had to wait for the bus like everyone else.....
TIP #9: If people would just grab the stick out of their asses...I think their outlook on life would be a much brighter one...or at least much more comfortable one.
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