So I got to see rush hour! Fun times in Washington Heights! Get it? Get it? You know like Fun times at Richmond High. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ...... was that trying to hard. Damn you guys are tough! We got to the subway station and OMG, I wish I took a picture. It was like ANTZ! Tons of people waiting for the A express train. Walking down Kathy wanted to give me a tip of where to stand so that the when we get into the car we get a seat, otherwise it will be armpit central, and lucky was armpit central for us. We got there too late. Okay, is another instance that I did not like being short. No, NO, NO! Wait a minute..... THE NY SUBWAY IS DISCRIMINATING AGAINST SHORT PEOPLE! I could have totally hurt myself if I had to hold on to the pole for the entire ride. I actually lost feeling in my arm because the pole as too high. I think I need to write a letter. TIP #4: Subway trains are not short person friendly. Is this considered a handicap?
Anyways, back to my day, I went with Kathy to her work place off of Broadway and 38th St. so that she could print out the remaining pages of my portfolio. While I waited outside in the street benches and breathed the cigarette filled air, I got to think. Think about.....SNATCHING THE FREAKIN' CIGARETTES OUT OF THE DAMN GROSS NY'ER'S.
Thanks to Kathy I got my print outs and jetted off to my interview in SOHO. I got off at Prince street and make my way up to the streets. I was walking up the stairs behind a little Asian lady carrying her baby in the stroller. Can I say dangerous and where the F is the elevator! Well, she practically made it up the stairs and had to put the baby down to take a breather. So like the kind hearted soul I am, I offered to help. I only offered thinking she was going to say no it is okay, but just my luck, she said yes! DAMN THE GUY BEHIND US WHO DID NOT OFFER TO DO IT HIMSELF! DOOCHE! But it was worth it, the baby gave me that look! The look a child gets when she is about to cry! heheheheheheh GOOD TIMES! ADORABLE BABY!
Getting side tracked a bit.... My interview with 24/7 was suppose to be at 10am, and I get there at 9:45am. I get there there is one other girl waiting, I get some papers from the receptionist to sign and what do I forget! my SS card and my passport! I don't know whey they need this but they wanted it! Anyways, I finish filling out the papers. And two other girls show up. And then one last girl comes and all the seats are taken, so like the AMAZING PERSON I am, I offer my seat so that she can fill out her paper work. Then I think, WOW, it is hard being nice! DAMN YEN! She is rubbing off on me! I think I need to stop this! So we are all waiting and one by one each girl has their interview and who is last..... ME! 1 HOUR LATER the lady I am supposed to meet with comes out! Do I get an apology? NOPE! NOTHING! Should I have left? MAYBE...but I had nothing else to do. I have my interview....blah blah blah .....blah blah blah. I get out of there at 12:15pm and jet to the Upper Westside for another interview with another recruiter...sorry no good deeds on my way there.
I go to my interview at an apartment! It seemed shady but my old boss told referred her! So I was gung-ho! Lets just say this was a better interview than 24/7, she waited for me outside! I felt like a celebrity! Okay, okay, she did not wait for me outside, she was just getting back from the store and she knew it was me! But I'd like to think she was waiting for me! So we head up to her apartment/office and we have the interview....blah, blah, blah......blah, blah, blah and then she gives me advice. She told me to take my time to find the right thing and to explore the city more, go the museums and go get inspired, and go get lost (not litterly) in the city. And then she gives me two other recruiters names to call that are design only recruiters.
I leave the interview on sort of a high and decide to litterly get lost! What do I find? Fairway stomach was guiding me. It is a great supermarket, the only con.... it is a cluster F like everything else in Manhattan!
Walking home, I feel like my sandal is loose... but I pay no attention to it, I keep walking, and it gets looser and looser. Then I am just around the corner from the apartment building and then it happens, my bare feet touch the nasty Washington Heights concrete! Right in front of two guys just sitting in front of their apartment complex! I felt like Carrie from Sex in the City with my hair blowing in the wind. Wait...did that ever happen to Carrie? huh...
I get home and soak my feet in bleach and then stuff my face with food for the rest of the night!
This post dedicated to the painstakingly nice Yen.
1 comment: you miss me already???hahhahahaha...i would miss me too...hahahahha
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