So since I got here, I have been meaning to go to Trader Joe's off of 14th. On the ride there, there is a guy sitting right across from me asleep with his mouth fully open. Dare I say...SEXY! But something else happens, this white trash older guy, slouching on the seat throws his trash out the subway train door! WTF! I seriously wanted to get up and slam his head on the pole! (It felt nice thinking about it!) Then a minute later, he opens his back pack and takes out his flask. WHITE TRASH! I was actually really surprised that he did not put had hand down his pants!

I thought I was so smart! I take the A train to 14th and don't see it! I call Kathy and she tells me it is between 3rd and 4th Ave. So if you do not know I was on 14th St. and 8th Ave. For some reason I do not look at my NFT and decide to walk all the way to 3rd. It was a beautiful day! But my havaianas were not cooperating with my feet and I start to get a blister. I am taking votes...who wants to see a photo? 30 minutes later I finally get to Trader Joe's, I walk in and it is a cluster F too! I try to roam around but really can't cuz the line to the register wraps around the entire store. FUN! I finally get into the line. 1 hr later I am set free, Free like Willy! So I am ready to walk back to the 14th St. and 8th Ave and notice that the L train (that is 1/2 a block away from Trader Joe's) crosses town straight to 14th St. and 8th Ave. WTF!
TIP #5: L train goes cross town.
TIP #1 from Kathy: DON'T RUN TOO HARD!
You figure it out.
This post is dedicated to David Doan, who is on my case for not putting posts up fast enough and just dissed my logo (DUDE! I WAS BORED!) Here is the new and improved label

that label is way cool...it's a keeper!
Yes the second one is waaaay better!
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