The Job Fair started at 10am and we didn't get up until 9. Not soo good.
I should have done this the night before but...I was having too much fun hanging out with everyone! Since Kathy did not have a printer and I don't have a printer cuz I am so cheap... we went to the UPS store around the corner and to use the printer and computer to print out my Stuff.
I sit down at the computer and print out my portfolio and resume... The files are not that big. But apparelty they are too big for the old add PC they had... what I thought was gonna take 10 minutes took me almost an hour to do....It took me about 10 minutes to press print on everything. But it took the printer 30 minutes to process the files....ummm..GHETTO!
Then we head downtown to the Job Fair and find it. But then Yen reminds me that I need a portfolio book, that I could not find in Kathy's room- (Sorry Kathy, I invaded your privacy looking for a portfolio I could steal for an afternoon). So we run to a Staples and buy a portfolio book and see a Kinko's on the way back to the Job Fair, cuz I was missing one page.
Okay....I have been to a Kinkos before and I am usually in and out in less than 10 minutes. I put my credit card in, it tells me it is not charging me for the time it takes to boot up. But then I go to start up Photoshop....and well, it takes me about 3 minutes to open up the program. I go to press print, it takes it 3 minutes to think about the printing processes. I go to quit the program and it says it is thinking. Another 3 minutes go by and it finally quits. It takes me about 10 minutes to do all this and print in color. Total cost $5.95. But then it takes the printer 10 minutes to print the damn print out, cuz the printer was THINKING...... We finally get out of there and I walk to the Job Fair and Yen walks to TJMax.
I get to the building and stand in a line assuming it is for the Job is a line for YSL....I would have rather stayed in the YSL than the Job Fair Line!
Any who I get into the Job Fair and low and behold....more lines....I will not bore you with how long I stayed there...Approx 2 hours... stood in 2 lines and was over it....dropped my resume in the baskets.
I woke up with a sore neck and was not into any stare contests at the Job Fair.
I meet up with Yen and we go into West Elm. I love this store! I need a job so I can buy my desk there and bookshelf...I can't find the desk anymore...but it ROLLS! Need I say more?

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