But what was worst.....Kathy doesn't think so but.....it was sticky and humid! Gross.....
Kathy was invited to a Soho roof top party. Did that sound cool? Well it sounded cool to me. Anyways, she said models and free beer. Need she say anymore. I was in.
We left for the party, NY time and headed for the bus stop. Yes the bus stop. For the next 3 weekends the subway stop near the apartment is going under construction. WTF! MORE WALKING! On the subway, we sit in the very far corner by ourselves. And then this old man comes walking towards us and sits across from us and looks straight at Kathy and would not take his eyes off of her. I think it was love at first sight for him. He kinda looked like this.....

So we take the subway to Union square and meet up with some of Kathy's friends and head to the party. Okay this is my first and hopefully not my last roof top party. Got up to the roof....about 8 flights of stairs...it was wonderful...cuz I had flats on and Kathy had ummmm heels, the view was amazing.... low clouds and saw the city lights. I wish I had my camera on me but...it didn't go with the outfit! Well, I was lazy to carry one, sorry peeps. We say our hellos and head for the very unstable tarp they made on the roof top. I get some beers for Kathy and I (don't you guys smerk at this!) I mean you get thirsty with all the walking, we needed a beverage. I look around and I see an Amstel Light and give it to Kathy, I look again, and dang it! did not see another, I pull out an Heineken and take the Amstel away from Kathy and give her the Heineken. I like the Amstel...my bad... We both start mingling and schmoozing a bit, sounded gay I know... but have a really great time! Met a really cool girl, who has a car and offered to take us thrifting! AMAZING! What else could I have asked for. Okay blah blah blah, we schmoozed a little more and I needed a restroom break. When I was walking back up from my 3rd restroom break (I DID NOTE HAVE A LOT TO DRINK, I JUST NEEDED TO GO A LOT!) this really hammered guy starts to walk down the stairs and slips and falls on his back right in front of me and splashes wine all over the walls. Good thing he was holding on to the stairwell or else I would have had his shoe in my mouth. He gets up and says, 'I'm fine, I'm fine' and proceeds to walk down more stairs, he passes me and slips AGAIN! splashing his drink on the other walls and says the same thing again. I know you all wish you could have been there, I always get to see the good stuff!
Other random stuff happened, but this is a PG blog....so I tell you if you are unlucky enough!
We end the night eating left over pizza.
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