So the day started off pretty early.......about 9ish. I needed to go to Target to get more hangers to finally hang up all my clothes that have been in the boxes. Why did I wait so long to buy hangers? Well, the week before I went with Kathy and they ran out and would not get any until maybe Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. So another week of boxes.... okay, okay... I know I could get hangers anywhere, but I wanted the ones from target, they have the special hanger with the 'groove' for tank tops with wide you know what I mean. I DO NOT like the ones that are just straight! They do not hold the tanks at all and all my tanks end up on the ground. I mean this is probably lame to tons of you.... oh's are reading the blog cuz you care! :P
We back to my Target trip, I got there and got a grip load of hangers and finally felt complete! But since it was still early and I knew the girls were not up yet, I decided to stop by Marshall's to look around a bit. I found myself in home section and found an amazing rug....take a look see! It was only $29.99.
I got home around 11ish and start to hang up my clothes and put my rug around the table....look...its already full! I feel at home now.... and my room is a mess! IT IS HOME!
I did not have anything planned for the day but Kathy finds out that 'Choke' just opened and wants to go see it..... I asked who is in the movie and she says Sam Rockwell and Angelica Houston. Those two names alone made me get off my computer chair....I mean I totally could have been at home blogging about nothing but I felt like this was a better choice......I hope....
...GO SEE IT!...
So we finally get off the couch and head out in the humid, rainy city. But 1st stop is Home Depot for the bed stablizers. Great invention!
Marc Ecko store window in Chelsea
So I have been craving some sushi since I got here...... All I wanted was GOOD sushi! What did I get... okay sushi, but found a new beer! Kirin Light! WOOOO WHOOOO!!!! Its all about the beer now.....Beer gut here I come! Follow in my Father's foot steps!
After the movie, we walk down to Chinatown to have a drink with Paolo at Fontana's. Before we walk in, the bouncer says to go all the way to the back......that's all he says.... we walk in and this place is packed! Right when we walk in we already saw people right at the door and eyes on us....I felt very violated...... after about 5 minutes in that place and not finding Paolo we walked right back out. On our journey of pushing people out of the way and side stepping to the front door I almost tripped a girl with my bag. I obviously apologize to her (like the nice person I am) but she looks back at me with the death stare.....I guess she did not want me to apologize...huh..... Well at that point...I wished I had just made her fall flat on her face.....
At this point, it is about 1am, so we walk to the train station to catch the train home. On our walk there.... we see Douche #3- we walks pass us saying 'Ching, chong, chen.' Apparently we were supposed to understand this, I start to look over at Kathy and at moment she says 'F YOU!'
So question..... do all Asians speak the same language? Do we all look the same? Or was this douche just trying to make us swoon over his ignorance? Please enlighten me...I would LOVE to know! Oh man....... I heart NY!
I walk up the stairs and there is grip load of people trying to get out onto the streets....walking up the stairs..I walk the pace everyone else on the stairs is walking....I get the surface and the Douche #4 behind me says under is breathe, 'F*** can you walk any faster.' I turn around and I looked at him with the death stare 'Uhhhhhhh ooooooookkkkkayyyyy.' I find Kathy and complain that people here are F***ing rude here. I mean seriously....was I supposed to zig and zag thru people walking up the stairs...cuz seriously.... we were like ants walking up the stairs....or was I supposed to grow longer legs so that I can skip steps like him.....I don't get it.... I mean seriously...he was not going to get any where faster....he had to wait for the bus like everyone else.....
TIP #9: If people would just grab the stick out of their asses...I think their outlook on life would be a much brighter one...or at least much more comfortable one.
9.26.08 Thongs and poo
The girls and I went to Angela's place in Greenbrook Brooklyn off the L train to check out her new pad that she just moved into a few months ago.... the girls called it a 'Slip and Slide'. The definition of a 'slip and slide' well, all I can remember right now is the girls getting together and DRINKING!
So the night consisted of..... frozen foods.... quiches, pizzas, mushroom turnovers, bags of chips, veggies and dip, garlic bread, hummus, mochi, and 7 bottles of wine for....ummmm about 7 girls...... AWESOME!
In between stuffing all of our pie holes.... Courtney and Monica told us about their Halloween costume for all of us.... Little Bo Peep and her sheep..... who is little Bo Peep... Kathy and we are the loyal followers.... I think the illustration explains it all!
Is this all we did this evening....nope! We had music from the musically inclined Angela
Stephanie trying to remember how to play the piano......Good attempt! If you asked her to play the accordion, you are in for a treat!
Stephanie and Courtney playing a duet
Courtney singing and playing the guitar (BTW I have video of this and it looks like she is singing to Monica.....Kinda funny)
Angela's Hello Kitty sewing machine! AWESOME!
A fuzzy photo of Amanda and Kathy....both are oddly giving me the finger....
SO..... I have a couple of things that happened on the train ride home....
Truffle mashed potatoes #1 on L train- lets just say he smelled really good! The entire ride I kept telling myself I need to ask him about his cologne..... but like a chicken ass I am.....there was a no go.
Sleeper #1-with comic book in hands- halfway thru our L train ride to the A train the comic book falls out of his hands and onto the floor. Sleeper #1 doesn't even flinch! Nice girl #1 picks up book for him and places it next to him (Nice girl #1 is totally not from NY, she was nice enough to pick up the book)
So the L train comes to its last stop and Amanda says she will hit him on the leg to make him wake up.....Attempt #1- doesn't move- Attempt #2-still doesn't move, Attempt #3- I nudge him on the leg-still doesn't move, Attempt #4- I say 'Sir, Sir' with a nudge- still doesn't move, Attempt #5- the train stops and the doors open- he finally wakes up! (why no photo you ask....ummmm....well, I am a chicken sh** and I thought he might wake up at mid-photo op and I would have gotten my a food sandwich!)
Quote #2: I don't like wearing thongs, they make you go poo.....
So the night consisted of..... frozen foods.... quiches, pizzas, mushroom turnovers, bags of chips, veggies and dip, garlic bread, hummus, mochi, and 7 bottles of wine for....ummmm about 7 girls...... AWESOME!
In between stuffing all of our pie holes.... Courtney and Monica told us about their Halloween costume for all of us.... Little Bo Peep and her sheep..... who is little Bo Peep... Kathy and we are the loyal followers.... I think the illustration explains it all!
Is this all we did this evening....nope! We had music from the musically inclined Angela
Stephanie trying to remember how to play the piano......Good attempt! If you asked her to play the accordion, you are in for a treat!
Stephanie and Courtney playing a duet
Courtney singing and playing the guitar (BTW I have video of this and it looks like she is singing to Monica.....Kinda funny)
Angela's Hello Kitty sewing machine! AWESOME!
A fuzzy photo of Amanda and Kathy....both are oddly giving me the finger....
SO..... I have a couple of things that happened on the train ride home....
Truffle mashed potatoes #1 on L train- lets just say he smelled really good! The entire ride I kept telling myself I need to ask him about his cologne..... but like a chicken ass I am.....there was a no go.
Sleeper #1-with comic book in hands- halfway thru our L train ride to the A train the comic book falls out of his hands and onto the floor. Sleeper #1 doesn't even flinch! Nice girl #1 picks up book for him and places it next to him (Nice girl #1 is totally not from NY, she was nice enough to pick up the book)
So the L train comes to its last stop and Amanda says she will hit him on the leg to make him wake up.....Attempt #1- doesn't move- Attempt #2-still doesn't move, Attempt #3- I nudge him on the leg-still doesn't move, Attempt #4- I say 'Sir, Sir' with a nudge- still doesn't move, Attempt #5- the train stops and the doors open- he finally wakes up! (why no photo you ask....ummmm....well, I am a chicken sh** and I thought he might wake up at mid-photo op and I would have gotten my a food sandwich!)
Quote #2: I don't like wearing thongs, they make you go poo.....
9.23.08 Happy Birthday Amanda w/ no Fried onions!!!!!
So it is Amanda's is a photo to hit you over the head!
Kathy wanted to have a little get together for her Birthday and I decided it was a great time to bring out the Grommet Mac N' Cheese w/ Fried onions receipe-courtesy of Debbie! Okay, if you have not tried this Grommet Mac N' Cheese w/ Fried onions you have not fully enjoyed life! Just saying! So Kathy and I buy the ingredients the night before but were not able to find Fried Onions- This is the best part of the dish! I need the fried stuff, it makes me complete? Well, this did not sit well with me whatsoever!
Mission #1: Find Fried onions! (ummmm is it weird that I keep spelling friend instead of fried?)
Woke up...and did I have fried onions on my mind...... NO! It was pretty much............. COMMMPUTTERRRR.....ONNNNNN....NOOOOOOWWWWW...... yep...that was my front of the computer until I had to leave for Amanda's at 5.
I leave for Amanda's with the WILL to find the fried onions! Places I went:
-Duane Reade, that was a bust
-I call Kathy to see if there are any grocery stores in the area and I talk to Amanda and she tells me to head west.... whatever that meant....I went in a direction and found whole foods. Also a bust....
-I see an Amish supermarket and try to test my luck...eventhough I am 30 minutes late already. I find Nutella for $2.00 (best deal ever!) and no friend onions. At this point I don't even want to make grommet mac n' cheese....what is this dish without the fried onions.....I do not want to know. I roam around the store a bit more and buy some brie, crackers, and grapes, I mean if I was coming late I need to bring a present right?
TIP #8: If you are late, YOU NEED TO BRING A PRESENT!
So leaving the store......I see Todd Oldham........ the designer.....walk by me....I turn around to make sure it was him....and oh my freaking was him....then I thought I need to tackle him and ask for a job....Hey what do I have to loose right? Thought....but no action!
After seeing him I speed walk style it to Amanda's and am greeted by:
After the initial shock went away....I gave her the hug and greets!
Then I push her over to start making the mac n' cheese w/out friend onions. So while there I complaint to everyone that it will not be that good because I do not have the friend onions but everyone decides that we should put crumbled crackers on top to make it kinda crunchy..... I grumble a bit and cave in.
The end amazing 1st try at grommet mac n' cheese w/ crumbled crackers.
Inbetween all this everyone starts to sip there wine with the straws.....huh...... Stephanie get poked in the eye with Kathy's my little pony hat, monika is on floor hysterically laughing her ass off, Alex gets tricked into coming to the girl fest, we get some sex education, and sarah is in the kitchen washing the cheese off the plates...... WHY oh WHY!
Quote #1: 'dirty is the new clean'
Kathy wanted to have a little get together for her Birthday and I decided it was a great time to bring out the Grommet Mac N' Cheese w/ Fried onions receipe-courtesy of Debbie! Okay, if you have not tried this Grommet Mac N' Cheese w/ Fried onions you have not fully enjoyed life! Just saying! So Kathy and I buy the ingredients the night before but were not able to find Fried Onions- This is the best part of the dish! I need the fried stuff, it makes me complete? Well, this did not sit well with me whatsoever!
Mission #1: Find Fried onions! (ummmm is it weird that I keep spelling friend instead of fried?)
Woke up...and did I have fried onions on my mind...... NO! It was pretty much............. COMMMPUTTERRRR.....ONNNNNN....NOOOOOOWWWWW...... yep...that was my front of the computer until I had to leave for Amanda's at 5.
I leave for Amanda's with the WILL to find the fried onions! Places I went:
-Duane Reade, that was a bust
-I call Kathy to see if there are any grocery stores in the area and I talk to Amanda and she tells me to head west.... whatever that meant....I went in a direction and found whole foods. Also a bust....
-I see an Amish supermarket and try to test my luck...eventhough I am 30 minutes late already. I find Nutella for $2.00 (best deal ever!) and no friend onions. At this point I don't even want to make grommet mac n' cheese....what is this dish without the fried onions.....I do not want to know. I roam around the store a bit more and buy some brie, crackers, and grapes, I mean if I was coming late I need to bring a present right?
TIP #8: If you are late, YOU NEED TO BRING A PRESENT!
So leaving the store......I see Todd Oldham........ the designer.....walk by me....I turn around to make sure it was him....and oh my freaking was him....then I thought I need to tackle him and ask for a job....Hey what do I have to loose right? Thought....but no action!
After seeing him I speed walk style it to Amanda's and am greeted by:
After the initial shock went away....I gave her the hug and greets!
Then I push her over to start making the mac n' cheese w/out friend onions. So while there I complaint to everyone that it will not be that good because I do not have the friend onions but everyone decides that we should put crumbled crackers on top to make it kinda crunchy..... I grumble a bit and cave in.
The end amazing 1st try at grommet mac n' cheese w/ crumbled crackers.
Inbetween all this everyone starts to sip there wine with the straws.....huh...... Stephanie get poked in the eye with Kathy's my little pony hat, monika is on floor hysterically laughing her ass off, Alex gets tricked into coming to the girl fest, we get some sex education, and sarah is in the kitchen washing the cheese off the plates...... WHY oh WHY!
Quote #1: 'dirty is the new clean'
9.22.08 BLAH
The subject title explains it! What else do I need to say?
Oh random thoughts for the day......
-do I really need a job? I can just sew crap all day long and sell it on ebay. I mean people do it all the time! Why do I need to stress out about having a job already....WTF is wrong with me...... oh oh oh I know...I am F***ing Asian. Double WTF
-why is the laundry mat so expensive? New Goal #1: to own a laundry mat in NY
Went to do laundry before my phone interview. Walked with determination around the corner to Kleener King (pretty good name right!) with the intention to do an amazing job at putting in my clothes into the washer...remember separate colors (of course I already did this before I left the apartment-pat myself on the back).. (mental note-buy a grandma cart unless you want a grandma hump). Anyways I start to put my whites in one washer and put the laundry liquid (if you want to know Woolite) press cold wash cuz I don't want anything running anyways. I look at the coin slot to put my quarter in and it says $0.25- I think to myself sweet! Only $0.25 what a great deal! I am gonna do my laundry everyday! I put my quarter in and the window says $2.25. I 'figuratively' shit in my pants and pretty much cried. $2.50 per load! REMINDER: I am the cheapest person in the entire world (my bad if I talk about how expensive everything here is!)
I also want to get into drying my loads.....ahhhh hummmmm...... $0.25 per 6 minutes... I HEART NY!
While waiting for my loads to be done I sit down to read 'Fast Food Nation.' I won't go into the gory details about how they KILL THE ANIMALS WE EAT, but I will still eat meat anyways, its just nice to be informed.
Later that evening I complain to Kathy how expensive I think the laundry is and she goes to tell me that there is NEVER hot water in that laundry mat....if you press hot wash it is cold! Ummmm would be considered false advertisement? Can I sue? WTF! WTF! WTF!
The rest of the day was a bust....I think....mostly cuz I can't remember what happened (I DID NOT BLACK OUT!). Oh.....I had my phone interview...and that went well...I think...I stuttered a few times.... Kinda sad! :( and I worked on my portfolio....kinda.....more like surfed the web all day looking at blogs! Can I say that there are so many F***ing blogs out there it is sick! and sweet! I really can't decide yet!
Oh random thoughts for the day......
-do I really need a job? I can just sew crap all day long and sell it on ebay. I mean people do it all the time! Why do I need to stress out about having a job already....WTF is wrong with me...... oh oh oh I know...I am F***ing Asian. Double WTF
-why is the laundry mat so expensive? New Goal #1: to own a laundry mat in NY
Went to do laundry before my phone interview. Walked with determination around the corner to Kleener King (pretty good name right!) with the intention to do an amazing job at putting in my clothes into the washer...remember separate colors (of course I already did this before I left the apartment-pat myself on the back).. (mental note-buy a grandma cart unless you want a grandma hump). Anyways I start to put my whites in one washer and put the laundry liquid (if you want to know Woolite) press cold wash cuz I don't want anything running anyways. I look at the coin slot to put my quarter in and it says $0.25- I think to myself sweet! Only $0.25 what a great deal! I am gonna do my laundry everyday! I put my quarter in and the window says $2.25. I 'figuratively' shit in my pants and pretty much cried. $2.50 per load! REMINDER: I am the cheapest person in the entire world (my bad if I talk about how expensive everything here is!)
I also want to get into drying my loads.....ahhhh hummmmm...... $0.25 per 6 minutes... I HEART NY!
While waiting for my loads to be done I sit down to read 'Fast Food Nation.' I won't go into the gory details about how they KILL THE ANIMALS WE EAT, but I will still eat meat anyways, its just nice to be informed.
Later that evening I complain to Kathy how expensive I think the laundry is and she goes to tell me that there is NEVER hot water in that laundry mat....if you press hot wash it is cold! Ummmm would be considered false advertisement? Can I sue? WTF! WTF! WTF!
The rest of the day was a bust....I think....mostly cuz I can't remember what happened (I DID NOT BLACK OUT!). Oh.....I had my phone interview...and that went well...I think...I stuttered a few times.... Kinda sad! :( and I worked on my portfolio....kinda.....more like surfed the web all day looking at blogs! Can I say that there are so many F***ing blogs out there it is sick! and sweet! I really can't decide yet!
9.19.08 Chelsea Golfing
9.18.08 CHA GIO FEAST?
After talking with Jill (the staffing agent) I decided I wanted to discover one part of the city and see if I could find any galleries.
I got to discover the East Village.
I took the A train to the L train that runs across town.
WELL, on the L train this Bum #1 comes into the car and starts to preach/yelling to us, let me see if I can remember what he said.......
-'you can at least look at me, we are all the same, black, white, Asian, Persian, Caucasian'
-'you are all hyprocrites'
-'all you with money and power should do some good, if you are THANK YOU! If you are not, stop bullshitting everyone and wake up!'
I have been scared numerous times, but he takes the wedding cake! I was seriously afraid to look at him, and if he asked for money, I would have given him everything!
I finally got off the L train and started to walk down 14th Ave and saw this pretty building blowing up smoke, like most NY'ers!
Isn't he pretty?
9th St Park (corner)
Gallery I went into. I reminded me of a blog kinda..... Gallery had photographs of friends, buildings, and things. I think all the photos were taken in Japan. What I really liked out of the gallery was an image of a side of an apartment building with clothes out on the fire escape drying.... my bad...I just looked up the website and the artist name is Haruto Hoshi. And the other image I liked was of a girl in her PJs in the middle of the street. I would totally steal the image (like the good Asian girl I am) but I do not want any headaches or you guys turning me in for shits and giggles! So check out the link below....
I do not know why I took this...
Okay there was totally good reason for this photo! Approximately 5 seconds before my stupid camera was ready to take the photo, this doggy was in full stride, walking nonchalantly, then all of the sudden he his on his stomach with all legs at 90 degree angles. Oh man! Stupid camera! that would have been an amazing shot! I mean don't get me wrong, this photo is good too with his sunglasses but only if! only if I was 2 seconds faster!
Red Door #1: I guess I am gonna start taking photos of doors now.....
Trying to take a photo very discreetly!
It reminds me of the Patel Family! Pray anywhere!
Pile of wood.
So.....walking around the East Village, I started to think about dog S***. Why you might ask...well.....the city is covered it! Uh huh! If you are too cool and are looking straight at head and not at the are gonna step in dog S***, NY'ers stop trying to look cool and watch for the S***!
Tip #7: Watch for the Dog S***, people here do not curb there dogs!
Anyways, I was thinking that one day I will be off guard and my shoe will be in dog S***, and thought it would be a great post! Who wants to see this post! I do! I do!
Outside Virgin Megastore. These guys were AMAZING! They were just rocking out!
34th St entertainer! I HAVE video!!! I love his dance moooves.
The color is amazing!
Charity man! Supposedly this guy walks around asking people to donate .25 to the charity. Kathy said that one time he came up to her and asked for a quarter and he full out yelled at her! People here are crazy! Well, did I want the chance of getting yelled at....ummmm no not so much! I forked over a quarter to save myself.
Smokers on Broadway! I HATE YOU ALL!
So Kathy and some friends decide they wanted Vietnamese. Usually my answer is F no! But it has been 2 weeks and no Vietnamese food. Oddly I was very happy to go. See how happy I am below.....
This is the sad attempt at trying to jump, click my feet with jazz hands... SOOO SAD indeed!
So while outside NHA TRANG, Kathy tries to say it. Let me tell you right now....she is Asian but she is not Vietnamese! She totally butchered the name, like how everyone who first meets me calls me JUAN or OWEN! After a few failed attempts....I just told her to stop....Lets just say it sounded like NEEEEEE CHEN.
So what did everyone order..... Courtney and Jayne order Pho. Kathy and I order Rice Vermicelli. Kathy gets it with beef and I get it with Cha Gio (for you non Vietnamese and some Vietnamese peeps ( I am soo disappointed)) it is egg rolls. I am totally psyched for this dinner and I get deflated with I take the 1st bite of the Cha Gio. Ummmm not soo good! I need to go Vietnamese restaurant hunting here otherwise I am gonna go CRAZY! To be continued on the treasure hunt for Vietnamese!
A really amazing vintage store in the Lower East side. It is vintage shoe Heaven!
After a few too many drinks at the Library in the East Village.....Courtney was feeling a bit bummed so we decide she needs to give me a piggy back ride! I love these! Mark you are you ready!
Walking and texting is very dangerous!
Pomme Frites
So while at the Library I get the cravings for french fries! Fries are sooo good after drinking! On the far right, that is the lucky gentleman that got our pomme frites we did not finish! Can you see how happy he is that he did not have to pay for food and that he has more money for drinks!
The PO PO on horsies!
So how did we end the night...We go to get sake bombs! Ummm.... not so good! I tell everyone I can't do a sake bomb cuz it will totally come back up! But everyone still demands I take one!
Roger orders edamame, dry squid, sake and 5 sake bombs. But I yell to 'Garlic Mashed Potatos (the bartender)' '4', then Kathy yells '5', and I yell back '4' and then I get death stares from everyone and shut up!
We are all enjoying (kinda) the sake, edamame and squid and then the sake bombs come!
Thankfully 'Garlic Mashed Potatos' brought only 4, I guess he knew I was weak sauce! hehehe If he brought one for me the PO PO on the horsies would have to take me home!
I got to discover the East Village.
I took the A train to the L train that runs across town.
WELL, on the L train this Bum #1 comes into the car and starts to preach/yelling to us, let me see if I can remember what he said.......
-'you can at least look at me, we are all the same, black, white, Asian, Persian, Caucasian'
-'you are all hyprocrites'
-'all you with money and power should do some good, if you are THANK YOU! If you are not, stop bullshitting everyone and wake up!'
I have been scared numerous times, but he takes the wedding cake! I was seriously afraid to look at him, and if he asked for money, I would have given him everything!
I finally got off the L train and started to walk down 14th Ave and saw this pretty building blowing up smoke, like most NY'ers!
Isn't he pretty?
9th St Park (corner)
Gallery I went into. I reminded me of a blog kinda..... Gallery had photographs of friends, buildings, and things. I think all the photos were taken in Japan. What I really liked out of the gallery was an image of a side of an apartment building with clothes out on the fire escape drying.... my bad...I just looked up the website and the artist name is Haruto Hoshi. And the other image I liked was of a girl in her PJs in the middle of the street. I would totally steal the image (like the good Asian girl I am) but I do not want any headaches or you guys turning me in for shits and giggles! So check out the link below....
I do not know why I took this...
Okay there was totally good reason for this photo! Approximately 5 seconds before my stupid camera was ready to take the photo, this doggy was in full stride, walking nonchalantly, then all of the sudden he his on his stomach with all legs at 90 degree angles. Oh man! Stupid camera! that would have been an amazing shot! I mean don't get me wrong, this photo is good too with his sunglasses but only if! only if I was 2 seconds faster!
Red Door #1: I guess I am gonna start taking photos of doors now.....
Trying to take a photo very discreetly!
It reminds me of the Patel Family! Pray anywhere!
Pile of wood.
So.....walking around the East Village, I started to think about dog S***. Why you might ask...well.....the city is covered it! Uh huh! If you are too cool and are looking straight at head and not at the are gonna step in dog S***, NY'ers stop trying to look cool and watch for the S***!
Tip #7: Watch for the Dog S***, people here do not curb there dogs!
Anyways, I was thinking that one day I will be off guard and my shoe will be in dog S***, and thought it would be a great post! Who wants to see this post! I do! I do!
Outside Virgin Megastore. These guys were AMAZING! They were just rocking out!
34th St entertainer! I HAVE video!!! I love his dance moooves.
The color is amazing!
Charity man! Supposedly this guy walks around asking people to donate .25 to the charity. Kathy said that one time he came up to her and asked for a quarter and he full out yelled at her! People here are crazy! Well, did I want the chance of getting yelled at....ummmm no not so much! I forked over a quarter to save myself.
Smokers on Broadway! I HATE YOU ALL!
So Kathy and some friends decide they wanted Vietnamese. Usually my answer is F no! But it has been 2 weeks and no Vietnamese food. Oddly I was very happy to go. See how happy I am below.....
This is the sad attempt at trying to jump, click my feet with jazz hands... SOOO SAD indeed!
So while outside NHA TRANG, Kathy tries to say it. Let me tell you right now....she is Asian but she is not Vietnamese! She totally butchered the name, like how everyone who first meets me calls me JUAN or OWEN! After a few failed attempts....I just told her to stop....Lets just say it sounded like NEEEEEE CHEN.
So what did everyone order..... Courtney and Jayne order Pho. Kathy and I order Rice Vermicelli. Kathy gets it with beef and I get it with Cha Gio (for you non Vietnamese and some Vietnamese peeps ( I am soo disappointed)) it is egg rolls. I am totally psyched for this dinner and I get deflated with I take the 1st bite of the Cha Gio. Ummmm not soo good! I need to go Vietnamese restaurant hunting here otherwise I am gonna go CRAZY! To be continued on the treasure hunt for Vietnamese!
A really amazing vintage store in the Lower East side. It is vintage shoe Heaven!
After a few too many drinks at the Library in the East Village.....Courtney was feeling a bit bummed so we decide she needs to give me a piggy back ride! I love these! Mark you are you ready!
Walking and texting is very dangerous!
Pomme Frites
So while at the Library I get the cravings for french fries! Fries are sooo good after drinking! On the far right, that is the lucky gentleman that got our pomme frites we did not finish! Can you see how happy he is that he did not have to pay for food and that he has more money for drinks!
The PO PO on horsies!
So how did we end the night...We go to get sake bombs! Ummm.... not so good! I tell everyone I can't do a sake bomb cuz it will totally come back up! But everyone still demands I take one!
Roger orders edamame, dry squid, sake and 5 sake bombs. But I yell to 'Garlic Mashed Potatos (the bartender)' '4', then Kathy yells '5', and I yell back '4' and then I get death stares from everyone and shut up!
We are all enjoying (kinda) the sake, edamame and squid and then the sake bombs come!
Thankfully 'Garlic Mashed Potatos' brought only 4, I guess he knew I was weak sauce! hehehe If he brought one for me the PO PO on the horsies would have to take me home!
09.18.08 Supermarkets, supermarkets, supermarkets
Okay so this is how I know I have a food addiction. Everyday since I got here I have gone to the supermarket. If I didn't need anything I would go anyways just to check it out. Check out what you say....well....ummm.... let me get back to you! If you hear from me within the next week asking for money....its for food! FEED ME!
Anyways, today was a bust! I was suppose to go to the MET today but my body told me I was too tired. So I didn't go. TIP #6: Listen to your body! It is never wrong (Please do not quote me on this!) So I decided to go to the Goodwill a few blocks away from the apartment to look for a chair and some drink glasses. Its not that far and I would be there and back in less than 1 hr. In between all this intense planning.... Kathy gmail chats me and she sends me a link to this really cool thrift/vintage store in Greenbrook, Brooklyn and another store called 'JUNK' in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I was thinking...great! I can go to two places at once and then go back home....its a plan! At this point I am totally amped to go vintage shopping....FINALLY! but then I look at the 'JUNK' website and I get deflated and do not want to go there anymore and just want to go to Greenbrook to hit the vintage store and the Salvation Army store, which is also in Greenbrook. I tell Kathy my ingenious plan and she reminds me that her friend got mugged there. At this point, I am over it! How would that sound if this blog ended up with photos of be beaten up? HUMMMMM.....that would be an interesting post.... But then I would be on the next flight home to the OC.... which would be nice also, hummmmm......
HEY! I did not go right! GEEZ! I told Kathy I will save my mugging when she is with me.
So I head out for my 1st NY Goodwill excursion. On my 12 minute walk there, I pass some grocery street vendors, selling garlic-2bags for $1, large avocados for $1 each, grapes for $1, pineapples for $2, all pretty great deals. I finally get to Goodwill and the store probably wreaked but I think I am immune to that smell now (Is that gross?). I rummage thru the racks for about 5 minutes and tell myself I need a chair, and drink glasses. I head down stairs to look for my treasure. I head to the back of the floor and I find a rolled up West Elm display rug. I check for use and it has not been had all its floor display tags still on it. SWEET! but it did not have a price. Like the cheap ass I am, I tell myself I want it only if it is less than $20. I go up to ask the cashier and they say $14.99 and I said SOLD! I got a rug..... It does not really match my spring green walls or my sheets, or my new lime green table....but you know what! I am on a budget until I get a job....I could care less if my room does not match! Its gonna be filled with crap soon enough and you won't be able to see anything anyways (High fives all around, Am I right! Of course I am! If you have not seen my old room, just be thankful you did not fall into the dark abyss.)
On the walk back home I hit up the street vendors and buy some garlic and an avocado. A whole $1.50, I wish I had a receipt to show for will have to take my word for it. If I get sick from this food, I will have to say right now, it was totally worth it!
So I get home and start to put the my desk together...
The table still in its original wrapping!
My stab wound. The box tried to attack me and it stabbed me with the scissors. I mean if I had abs of steel, this would never have happened. Note to self: work on abs of steel.
Look I am putting it together.....Ohhhh.....ahhhh....
The desk all pretty, and ready and rock and litterly roll!
This is me walking to yet another supermarket to buy food. But I have a good reason, I am making bangers and mash! The most awesomest thing about this has sales! I stood there for about 5 minutes looking at their sale items. Then I decide to stroll thru every isle to make sure I did not miss anything! Lame? Yes! Saving money...Priceless. (I did not use it right but whatever!) I spent a grand total of $14.77 for 4 sticks of butter, Lysol disinfectant wipes, corn muffin mix (for $0.45), mushrooms, Windex and a bag of potatoes.
I head home and I make dinner! Can you believe it...I am being domestic. I'll give myself a pat on the back since no one is here to do it for me! GEEZ! Lame? FORSHO!
Anyways, today was a bust! I was suppose to go to the MET today but my body told me I was too tired. So I didn't go. TIP #6: Listen to your body! It is never wrong (Please do not quote me on this!) So I decided to go to the Goodwill a few blocks away from the apartment to look for a chair and some drink glasses. Its not that far and I would be there and back in less than 1 hr. In between all this intense planning.... Kathy gmail chats me and she sends me a link to this really cool thrift/vintage store in Greenbrook, Brooklyn and another store called 'JUNK' in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I was thinking...great! I can go to two places at once and then go back home....its a plan! At this point I am totally amped to go vintage shopping....FINALLY! but then I look at the 'JUNK' website and I get deflated and do not want to go there anymore and just want to go to Greenbrook to hit the vintage store and the Salvation Army store, which is also in Greenbrook. I tell Kathy my ingenious plan and she reminds me that her friend got mugged there. At this point, I am over it! How would that sound if this blog ended up with photos of be beaten up? HUMMMMM.....that would be an interesting post.... But then I would be on the next flight home to the OC.... which would be nice also, hummmmm......
HEY! I did not go right! GEEZ! I told Kathy I will save my mugging when she is with me.
So I head out for my 1st NY Goodwill excursion. On my 12 minute walk there, I pass some grocery street vendors, selling garlic-2bags for $1, large avocados for $1 each, grapes for $1, pineapples for $2, all pretty great deals. I finally get to Goodwill and the store probably wreaked but I think I am immune to that smell now (Is that gross?). I rummage thru the racks for about 5 minutes and tell myself I need a chair, and drink glasses. I head down stairs to look for my treasure. I head to the back of the floor and I find a rolled up West Elm display rug. I check for use and it has not been had all its floor display tags still on it. SWEET! but it did not have a price. Like the cheap ass I am, I tell myself I want it only if it is less than $20. I go up to ask the cashier and they say $14.99 and I said SOLD! I got a rug..... It does not really match my spring green walls or my sheets, or my new lime green table....but you know what! I am on a budget until I get a job....I could care less if my room does not match! Its gonna be filled with crap soon enough and you won't be able to see anything anyways (High fives all around, Am I right! Of course I am! If you have not seen my old room, just be thankful you did not fall into the dark abyss.)
On the walk back home I hit up the street vendors and buy some garlic and an avocado. A whole $1.50, I wish I had a receipt to show for will have to take my word for it. If I get sick from this food, I will have to say right now, it was totally worth it!
So I get home and start to put the my desk together...
The table still in its original wrapping!
My stab wound. The box tried to attack me and it stabbed me with the scissors. I mean if I had abs of steel, this would never have happened. Note to self: work on abs of steel.
Look I am putting it together.....Ohhhh.....ahhhh....
The desk all pretty, and ready and rock and litterly roll!
This is me walking to yet another supermarket to buy food. But I have a good reason, I am making bangers and mash! The most awesomest thing about this has sales! I stood there for about 5 minutes looking at their sale items. Then I decide to stroll thru every isle to make sure I did not miss anything! Lame? Yes! Saving money...Priceless. (I did not use it right but whatever!) I spent a grand total of $14.77 for 4 sticks of butter, Lysol disinfectant wipes, corn muffin mix (for $0.45), mushrooms, Windex and a bag of potatoes.
I head home and I make dinner! Can you believe it...I am being domestic. I'll give myself a pat on the back since no one is here to do it for me! GEEZ! Lame? FORSHO!
9.17.08 Blah Blah Blah
So I wake up feeling very lazy! I had 10 hours of sleep! Nice but horrible! I did not want to do anything except check my email. So I check my email and Kathy lectures me that I need to go out and do crap! Blah Blah Blah...I get my ass out the door and head back to Soho to see 24/7. I also go to CB2 to finally buy my desk. Take a look see......
Now, I just have to figure out how to put it together. Photo to follow....
So since I got here, I have been meaning to go to Trader Joe's off of 14th. On the ride there, there is a guy sitting right across from me asleep with his mouth fully open. Dare I say...SEXY! But something else happens, this white trash older guy, slouching on the seat throws his trash out the subway train door! WTF! I seriously wanted to get up and slam his head on the pole! (It felt nice thinking about it!) Then a minute later, he opens his back pack and takes out his flask. WHITE TRASH! I was actually really surprised that he did not put had hand down his pants!
I thought I was so smart! I take the A train to 14th and don't see it! I call Kathy and she tells me it is between 3rd and 4th Ave. So if you do not know I was on 14th St. and 8th Ave. For some reason I do not look at my NFT and decide to walk all the way to 3rd. It was a beautiful day! But my havaianas were not cooperating with my feet and I start to get a blister. I am taking votes...who wants to see a photo? 30 minutes later I finally get to Trader Joe's, I walk in and it is a cluster F too! I try to roam around but really can't cuz the line to the register wraps around the entire store. FUN! I finally get into the line. 1 hr later I am set free, Free like Willy! So I am ready to walk back to the 14th St. and 8th Ave and notice that the L train (that is 1/2 a block away from Trader Joe's) crosses town straight to 14th St. and 8th Ave. WTF!
TIP #5: L train goes cross town.
TIP #1 from Kathy: DON'T RUN TOO HARD!
You figure it out.
This post is dedicated to David Doan, who is on my case for not putting posts up fast enough and just dissed my logo (DUDE! I WAS BORED!) Here is the new and improved label
Now, I just have to figure out how to put it together. Photo to follow....
So since I got here, I have been meaning to go to Trader Joe's off of 14th. On the ride there, there is a guy sitting right across from me asleep with his mouth fully open. Dare I say...SEXY! But something else happens, this white trash older guy, slouching on the seat throws his trash out the subway train door! WTF! I seriously wanted to get up and slam his head on the pole! (It felt nice thinking about it!) Then a minute later, he opens his back pack and takes out his flask. WHITE TRASH! I was actually really surprised that he did not put had hand down his pants!
I thought I was so smart! I take the A train to 14th and don't see it! I call Kathy and she tells me it is between 3rd and 4th Ave. So if you do not know I was on 14th St. and 8th Ave. For some reason I do not look at my NFT and decide to walk all the way to 3rd. It was a beautiful day! But my havaianas were not cooperating with my feet and I start to get a blister. I am taking votes...who wants to see a photo? 30 minutes later I finally get to Trader Joe's, I walk in and it is a cluster F too! I try to roam around but really can't cuz the line to the register wraps around the entire store. FUN! I finally get into the line. 1 hr later I am set free, Free like Willy! So I am ready to walk back to the 14th St. and 8th Ave and notice that the L train (that is 1/2 a block away from Trader Joe's) crosses town straight to 14th St. and 8th Ave. WTF!
TIP #5: L train goes cross town.
TIP #1 from Kathy: DON'T RUN TOO HARD!
You figure it out.
This post is dedicated to David Doan, who is on my case for not putting posts up fast enough and just dissed my logo (DUDE! I WAS BORED!) Here is the new and improved label
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