9.22.08 BLAH

The subject title explains it! What else do I need to say?
Oh random thoughts for the day......

-do I really need a job? I can just sew crap all day long and sell it on ebay. I mean people do it all the time! Why do I need to stress out about having a job already....WTF is wrong with me...... oh oh oh I know...I am F***ing Asian. Double WTF

-why is the laundry mat so expensive? New Goal #1: to own a laundry mat in NY
Went to do laundry before my phone interview. Walked with determination around the corner to Kleener King (pretty good name right!) with the intention to do an amazing job at putting in my clothes into the washer...remember separate colors (of course I already did this before I left the apartment-pat myself on the back).. (mental note-buy a grandma cart unless you want a grandma hump). Anyways I start to put my whites in one washer and put the laundry liquid (if you want to know Woolite) press cold wash cuz I don't want anything running anyways. I look at the coin slot to put my quarter in and it says $0.25- I think to myself sweet! Only $0.25 what a great deal! I am gonna do my laundry everyday! I put my quarter in and the window says $2.25. I 'figuratively' shit in my pants and pretty much cried. $2.50 per load! REMINDER: I am the cheapest person in the entire world (my bad if I talk about how expensive everything here is!)
I also want to get into drying my loads.....ahhhh hummmmm...... $0.25 per 6 minutes... I HEART NY!
While waiting for my loads to be done I sit down to read 'Fast Food Nation.' I won't go into the gory details about how they KILL THE ANIMALS WE EAT, but I will still eat meat anyways, its just nice to be informed.
Later that evening I complain to Kathy how expensive I think the laundry is and she goes to tell me that there is NEVER hot water in that laundry mat....if you press hot wash it is cold! Ummmm would be considered false advertisement? Can I sue? WTF! WTF! WTF!

The rest of the day was a bust....I think....mostly cuz I can't remember what happened (I DID NOT BLACK OUT!). Oh.....I had my phone interview...and that went well...I think...I stuttered a few times.... Kinda sad! :( and I worked on my portfolio....kinda.....more like surfed the web all day looking at blogs! Can I say that there are so many F***ing blogs out there it is sick! and sweet! I really can't decide yet!

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