so today i went to the
urbn sample sale.... which consisted of all home items; lamps, tables, kitchenware,
house ware, prints, pillows, rugs, fabrics, chairs....etc.... just home stuff... no clothes.... I was
soo excited... i heard urban legends (excuse the
punn) about it... how when a girl lost her shoe when they opened the doors and kept on running.... how it is like running of the bulls
thru the doors when they fling open the doors to let you in... I did not believe way... I had to experience this sample sale no matter what
cuz i missed the 1st one when i first started..... so anyways...
Courtney comes to pick me up at 8 and we head over to the navy yard. we get there about 8:30-
ish am and wait in line. there were probably about 20 people before us, which is not bad. In the 30 minute wait, i think i lost all my toes in frost bite
cuz it was
soo f***
ing cold out there.... i mean don't get me wrong.... it could have been
waaaaaayyyyy colder but thank goodness it wasn't.... (i am just ranting.... let me do it please...) so anyways..... the doors finally open.... and what do i see.... everyone rushing for the door.... at first i rush to the door also
cuz i don't need someone pushing me towards the door.... but when i get in i start to walk.....(
btw the sale is at the end of the warehouse) about 1/4 of the way in i start to see some of my co-workers say RUN
OANH RUN! So i still see people running... i am just F it and just run too..... when i finally get there, i start to leisurely walk and browse..... while everyone else is just rummaging
thru the boxes and throwing stuff everywhere....realizing i should be be
leisurely browsing and be more like all the other girls there... just grabbing and stuffing no matter what it is... but by the time this
brilliant idea flashes in my mind.... it is about too late.... i had about 10 pot holders. I am a sad case. But i still look around, then i see a little corner where a girl i just throwing stuff into the corner that she did not want.... GOLD!!! i rummage
thru the pile and i come out with about 10 pillows, a curtain, a
Vietnamese cookbook (go figure!), a rug, and all the potholders and dish rags i already had. I totally did not need all these pillows but i grabbed them anyways to see if my friends wanted them... and yes they did.... I ended up only taking two pillows.... look at my finds.... all for $30. Not bad... all at least $200 in the stores... a few items have sample written on them but who cares.... it makes it more special.... i say that to myself all the time!
okay this is just gonna be a rant. so a few days ago i talked to
matt about his up coming trip to
costa rica. which he is leaving for the 1st weekend of march....which is around the corner.... He and about 6 other people are doing a back packing trip for about 10 days there. So a few days ago he was just saying that he needs to buy a back pack and supplies for the trip. So he was talking about this backpack that is supposedly amazing and is a really great price online but wanted to try it on first before making the purchase.... so i told him he should go to a outdoors-
sy store and try different backpacks on or just get something at target.... i mean he is only going on one backpack trip that he knows of so he should just get one from there.... blah blah blah...
qlty.....blah blah blah blah.... ease of getting my shit for the perfect photo....blah blah blah.... excuses excuses excuses..... so when i got home from the sample sale.. i asked him if he got his backpack...and he says no he didn't. and a bit of
nonsense talk, i go up to my room and head out to go buy
tshirts at the thrift store and target. At the thrift store i get some
tshirts and some jeans for myself.... weighing all about 7 lbs... I really did not need to go to target at all but i really wanted the Zone bars... The weekend before they were all out.... so thinking these were
sooooo limited i had to go check if they had any today.... They are amazing! I am not a fan of dark chocolate whatsoever but.... these bars are amazing! try them out!!! And i also get some
Brita filters and a lamp. I tried to find one at the sample sale today but did not find
any that i liked.... So i decided to buy a floor lamp at target for $19.99. So at this point... i leave the store with all my purchases in my large
Duffie bag over my right shoulder and my small
duffle bag on my left shoulder and the floor lamp held up close to my chest.... TAXI you say.... you think... but i am
soo lame... i walked it all the way home.... i did get quite a work out....
So i finally get home and
matt is still at his computer doing whatever he does... and i head up to my room. then i start to over hear his phone call... saying some in the lines of..... bullshit.... $65 or overnight shipping.... that is bullshit.....
ummm......... yeah..... i will leave it at that.
1-i need new sneakers.... the heel of my feet started to feel all
tinkly when i walked home and all that weight on my shoulder.....
1 comment:
Oanh- have i have some Brita filters at home which i purchased a few months ago. I don't really use it, so you can have it when you come back home. Trang
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