so you already know how my
saturday went. so when i got home from target... i just pretty much jumped into bed and ate a zone bar and laid there. a little later, my friend
lana called me and wanted to know if i wanted to still come out for ladies night. I told her i was game to hang out. So the plan was to go to her place, at 7pm and have some drinks and she was gonna be helping out
evita with altering her top and showing her how to use
th sewing machine, and then go to the
khyber bar to see black sheep. So girls night out, Lana, Evita, Courtney and me. We all had about 2 vodka sodas at her place and showed each other our dance moves we were gonna show off there....
courtney-not sure what the name of this dance is but it consisted of one hand on the neck and the other holder her ankle and making motions to try to have her elbow and her knee touch (please help me with this name or even a photo). It was amazing! i wish i had photos but
courtney was not having it esp on my blog); Lana well... she had quite a lot of moves, running man and a move that involved her ass sticking out and making it move in circles and her new kids dance moves;
evita showed her roger rabbit, and others i can't even explain and me....
welll. i showed them my grandma dance.......meaning my sexy dance..... after prepping we headed out to the
khyber to see the show. We were hoping to not see the 1st act but when we got there... Lana said that it was a white guy doing hip hop. your call... yes or no? So we got there... paid $15 to get in... sucks! and all got drinks at the bar and headed to the stage. There was already 3 girls sitting up next to the stage and we walked up and stood near them but against the wall. But they did not look to happy to see up walk up whatsoever... why might you say.... well, it was me, an little
asiain girl, a
heffa (
evita (
spanish maybe?) and a white girl (
courtney) standing next to three
african american girls.
OMG it was
soo intense..... i was just walking up all smiling and happy to be hanging out when i started to notice the intense dirty stares from the girls..... I just pretty much just turned my back to them and told
courtney i was scared for our lives, and she said the exact same thing.
WHy so much hate.... its the city of love right? Well, after a little while we all started to get antsy and was wondering why the acts did not start yet. So Courtney and Lana went to get more drinks and they found out that the 1st act did not even go on yet. Pissed off... we decided to go up stairs and check out the dance floor. We got up there...... we did not check out the dance floor and we made our own dance floor next to the free standing table..... and displayed our dance moves for 10 minutes and sat and talked about boys. There was only three chairs so i decided to stand..... not a good choice...
cuz while talking about boys... i noticed i started to sway back and forth a bit. not
soo good. We were up there for quite a while so we decided to go back down stairs and saw the 1st act... which were not bad.... we were all the way in the back of the crowd minding our own business and showing off our moves. interesting side note.....
lana is always finds someone to chat up where ever we go. it is
sooo true she will talk to ANYONE! when the 1st act was done.... we moved up closer to the stage and then another act that we did not know about went on.....
ummm...... it looked like an
italian dude and a
jewish dude doing hip hop..... not
sooo good... but then
lana yet again managed to met these guy's manager..... 1/4 of the way
thru their set
lana went to the restroom and
evita was afraid she was sick....and i told her...
ummm.... she is okay.... i have seen her worse.... this ain't bad..... but i still went to go check up on her anyways. When she got out... she said she was hungry so
lana and i just left to go outside to get a bit to eat..... we shared a slice of pepperoni pizza. We go back into the venue and the girls were not where we left them.....they had left looking for us and were at the bar. While waiting at the bar... this girl comes up to me and says.... what's your name.... i was like, Kim! Then she says...
i'm sorry, i thought you looked familiar, i thought you went to a wedding 2 weeks ago..... and she paused for my answer and i was like.....
ummmm.... no. After that awkward conversation.... her friend passes out right behind Lana.... and knowing Lana... she doesn't even notice the large body on the ground next to her.... i swear for a second i thought she was gonna step on her head... HA it was sad... but funny...
evita and
lanaSO finally black sheep went on and....lets say...i have never been that much of a hip hop fan... but he made me one! he was amazing! I am def watching gonna be downloading their music. Here is a little video of his freestyle. i tried to rotate the movie... but i am NOT gonna spend $30 to get the software to do it....
anywho... you can't see anything anyways... just listen
i am def trying to embed the
youtube link into the blog.... will hopefully learn how to do it in the next week.
other little tidbits about his act....
skanky whores all over the place..... and a girl passing him a joint on stage. AMAZING. talk about loving everyone for who they are.... i mean in between all the 'nigger' and curse words...... he made me a fan....

1-2:02pm-the house smells like someone just crapped all over the house.. it reeks
sooooooooo bad i can't stand it! and it
aint me
2-all morning-listening to patsy
kline3-if i ever pass out from drinking... you are allowed to kill me
4- my toast already had a burnt hole
thru it
these girls are cute & they look like they like to party! I want to come to Philly!!
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