so today i did my
sunday ritual. church and then a white hot chocolate at B2. When the girl gave me my drink i took a sip of it and it did not taste like white hot chocolate
cuz it had coffee in it. Kinda expecting to have white hot chocolate i was really delighted in the very mild coffee taste. I was just gonna leave and just enjoy the coffee but i had to ask her what it was even though she made a mistake. When i asked her what it was she looked at me in bewilderment and said it is white chocolate mocha. well obviously she apologized for making the mistake and said she will make me my hot chocolate and i said it was okay....blah blah blah... but there is
expresso in it....blah blah worries... its fine.
Anywho... very long story short.... i think i found my coffee drink! white chocolate mocha! YUMMY!!!!!!
other little tidbits... yesterday night i did my laundry. when i was folding my whites... i noticed that my vintage tank (made of a poly blend) was really stiff at the front top bodice.... it was really gross not knowing what the hell happened but i am assuming that in the dryer it got REALLY hot and it stiffened the top bodice... no melting of any sort just really
really stiff! BOO lost a really cute tank!
and i started to sketch..... i am digging.... another hobby to keep me busy here.... yippie
the sketches are a little more asbtract then my previous sketches which are more cutesy..... what do you guys think?
(bear with me here... i forgot my purse at no camera right now, just my apple camera)
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