02.08.09 the warmth of the sun

so last night i went to bed pretty early considering it was a Saturday night.
I was pretty much tossing and turning all night. It has been pretty much tossing and turning every night since i moved here. Not sure why but i keep waking up in the middle of the night, probably about 3 times a night. But any who, this morning i wake up to the blazing sun rising. It is pretty early at this point so i just curl myself back into bed and fall asleep again until i really have to wake up for church. I am thinking about an hour later i start to sweat a little but and wake up and am blinded by the sun shining thru the blinds. I am obviously pissed that i am sweating but then i think to myself... OMG it is actually warm outside? I open the window and low and behold.... the weather is light jacket weather... got sooo excited that i got ready for church and walkout with just a small fleece jacket.
After church i walk to Acme (supermarket) and get some food.... food i obviously did not need and then walk to the Vietnamese supermarket for some fruit, that i obviously did need. When i get home i notice that Jessica had called me to come out for some coffee and gossip at B2. I am always in for some gossip, so i head over to hear the gossip and judge a little. I get there and Jessica and Danielle are sitting at the very back corner of the cafe and i order an everything bagel with cream cheese and sit down with the girls. They tell me about their crazy night last night and are upset that i did not come out. Which was going to a sobriety party in a white limo, ditching some friends in neons outfits, skinny girls talking about how fat they are, and having a rondevu in a very very old bar in Olde City. But this gossip did not last for long cuz the girls got distracted from...ummm... pretty much every single boy that walked into the cafe. It didn't help that i was facing the wall and the girls were facing the door. Just my luck. Well, long story short, the girls went crazy for about 30 minutes about who ugly their girlfriends were and how they need to be dating those boys, and some dirtiness in between that can not be blogged about.

random notes:
1-i got another cold sore today.... on the middle of my lip!!!!!!


JERI VANN said...

this is what the cold does to you. i recommend neosporin lt. (lt means lip treatment) can be found in the chapstick aisle. miss ya!!

2 said...

I use Abreva...I put it on every hour, it goes away in a day =) I pound on that sucka