today i had an eye appointment at 10:30am. I got all ready and opened the front door to see a direct TV guy right there..... I about just died for that second cuz i had no idea who the f it was. then he explains that he is with direct TV and asks for Matt my roommate. So i go back into the house and yell for Matt who was still sleeping. go figure..... well when i went to go yell for him, the two guys from direct TV just walk right in after me... which i thought was weird... well after Matt comes down i bolt and head for my appointment.
I walked to my appointment, it took about 15 minutes to get there. I get to the store and i have to knock to tell them to buzz me in.... i know i know what you are all thinking.... ghetto!!!, but this is where i live now :( Well, i get in and these two south Philly ladies start to speak very loudly and proceed talk my head off..... but am i scared off....nope.... i start to yap yap yap my mouth off. about what you may ask.... well... about my nerdy glasses, which the ladies say that is soooo in right now..... i am sooo stylish. hahahah, they especially loved the tape on sides.... but it totally not to look cool it is to keep my glasses in tact. SERIOUSLY! i try but i don't try that hard! well any who, i go into the back room and get my eyes checked and here, they optometrist asks what i do for a living and i told her i work for urban and she tells me that she went to school with Meg-who is one of the owners and the founder of free people!!! craziness.... all in all, we talked about how she wants to design and how she loves interior designing and how i want a hobby besides sewing all the damn time.... and that i want to do something else besides design in the future..... i really do..... i love love love design....but at the current moment... i want to have other interests besides this.... i might do some artwork to keep myself busy... but am not gonna buy any supplies. I am just gonna use found objects and items i already have... we will see how it goes. wish me luck!!!!!
After the exam, she tells me my left eye drifts to the left a little when i look straight ahead.... GREAT NOW I HAVE A LAZY EYE! :( wait... i think that is awesome! ehheheheheh well with this great news, i leave with a new prescription, the left eye a bit stronger of a prescription and the right eye the same.. Whoooooorahhhhhhhh! The grand total, $45 but i wanted to but lenses in my vintage frames it would cost $100, but i told the ladies my sister (thu) is an optometrist and she will put the lenses in for me for free!! heheheh GREAT JOB THU! i lie like there is no tomorrow here! I am a monster! that's why my name is KIM here hahahhahahah
So i leave and walk back up Broad st. which is a main street in Philly. So on the way back up Broad i decide to go into the Philly free library and see if they have any dvds. And just my luck they have DVDs, i apply for a card and get 3 dvds to talk for the next 7 days! awesome!
So i finally get home and Matt is still there and he tells me that what happened with the Directtv guys. He said that since they can not drill into the roofs anymore b/c of leakage problems, they have to build a small platform to put the box on that will cost an extra $100 cash, and that is the only solution. But then the guys say that he can call Directtv and negotiate the price. So he then agrees to the small platform and the guys ask where the closest home depot is. WTF So he tells them where it is and they go off and buy the supplies.... So at the point... he is really annoyed and calls directTV where he finds out that these two guys have been scamming him. Well at this point i am scared for him when the guys come back to the house, he will be all alone to tell them to go away cuz he called DirectTV and found out they were scamming him. But did i feel bad for long, well, no i left about 5 minutes later to hang out with some girlfriends from work. huh...
So a few of the girls from work and i decide to rent a Philly car share for about 6 hours to do some errands, go thrifting and go to a craft fair. Obviously i got tons of stuff i did not need, here is what i bought thrifting......
The wrangler jacket-in the boys section. WHOOORAH! $2.95

The leather jacket-in the boys section. $9.95

Mexican poncho that Courtney overlooked in a rack. Her loss my gain! $9.95

this is a print i bought from Kris Chau. who works at Free people and is also an amazing illustrator.
Titled 'small foxes'
Here is another great buy from 'Warsaw'. She also use to work at Free people but does sewing as a past time. AMAZING!
I got this bag

Here is her website.
Random notes:
Get a car soon!
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