I am not supposed to meet up with her until 3pm so i had about 3 1/2 hours to burn before i meet up at with her at the supermarket. so i decided to walk to target and jo-mar just for the hell of it. It was sprinkling just a little bit when i went to church, so i had to bring my umbrella and beanie just in case. I took a few photos on the way to target and tried to take more photos of the neighborhood-as requested by jeri. Not very good photos but its the jits.

On my way to jo-mar it starts to just sprinkle a little.
Side note: I hate the feeling i get after i get indoors after it rains, i feel dirty. But something about the sprinkling today just made me feel at peace and free. It was kinda weird but it did. So i get jo-mar and spend way too much time in there buying fabrics that i cannot possibly carry home, $38 later (complements of work) i went off to Target for some shampoo and a pumice stone. walking to target it started to sprinkle a little bit more than before so i had to use my umbrella in the hopes of not getting drenched. After target i was debating on whether to get a can home or not cuz it was sprinkling a lot at that point, but not raining! I walked to the i-95 over pass and saw a taxi pass by but i was too far to flag it down. When i passed the i-95 i just decided to walk the rest of the way home. It was actually a great walk home, i was on my own, listening to Beirut and humming along, with a large duffle bag on my right shoulder, a plastic jo-mar bag in my right hand, a hand bag on my left shoulder, and my umbrella in my right hand and not in use cuz it was too much for me to handle. Other than the duffle bag always sliding off my shoulder every other block, it was a very peaceful walk home. Will most def do this again if it sprinkles like this again.

side note: after watch the oscar's at ali's place i went home and i decided to pick up this little small plastic package outside my bedroom door next to the hallway closet. It has been sitting there for the past few days when i decided to move all my large coats out to this closet. I pretty much paid no attention to it, and thought it was nothing.... until i picked it up today..... please do not make me explain........ NOT JUDGING!!! added photoshop goodness to have a better effect! haahhahahah

1-jo-mar sells their zippers by the inch- $0.01/inch
1 comment:
I LOVE YOU!!! The first pic, the small door, i absolutely LOVE!!! You are the best, i look forward to seeing more!! Love ya!!
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