02.10.09 Låt den rätte komma in

I am such a sucker for vampire movies, ie Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( i have the entire DVD series thanks to THU!), Twilight (i admit it!, not a good movie but i get why the little girls flocked to see it!), Underworld, Blade, etc....
When i saw this on a blog a few weeks ago I about... well...yeah...
I want to see this movie dubbed in french. It looks amazing. I guess this is the creepy side of me... i have many creepy sides but... whatever... back to the subject. Vampires + movies = me watching. Obviously there are millions of vampire movies and i have not watched them all cuz a vast majority of them are trash but once in a blue moon, someone gets it right and makes the right movie... this might not be the right movie but it is tempting me to watch it with the trailer alone!
Apparently the US is remaking their version, due out i don't know when. But would you not rather see this movie with subtitles and in French! Music to my ears! Lets see who they cast for this movie.
Here are some images i found on the net.
watch trailers here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/
or here


2 said...

Hi I'm Thu, I'm the one that bought her all the Buff the Vampire Slayer DVDs =)

I still heart Buff the Vampire Slayer =)

O said...

just fyi you spelled it wrong twice.... just saying....

2 said...

i'm a dork like that...

at least i got you the bloody movie! so i got a free pass on that one!