So i have been away from the blogging for while, because i feel kinda ill
Thursday evening. I stayed up til 11pm working on my
tshirt project. images soon to come! I am not sure what happened but i came home on
Thursday and my roommate
Nancy was in the living room with her bassist playing some of her music. they played til like 8-
ish and when they were finished, i was still in the kitchen finishing my dinner when her bassist says (she has only met him 2 times, friend of a friend) well, back to my story, he says so i heard you are from
Vietnam. I eyes flare and i was like, I am
Vietnamese, my parents are from
Vietnam, blah blah blah, it was just a retarded question he asked. so long story short.... i stayed in kitchen while yelling back at him back in the living room
cuz i was too interested in the rest of my dinner than getting up to go talk to him.
ahhh burn.
so after he leaves my roommate comes to finish her dinner which was fried eggplant with
mozzarella and diced tomatoes. She really did not have that much so she ended up cutting the rest of her eggplant and making more for herself and me. Did i need to eat more? no but i ate anyways..
WTF is
Philly doing to me! I can't stop eating..... i mean the food is not that good whatsoever but i can't seem to put it down! Can you say muffin top! Yes please! :P well, when she was cutting the rest of her eggplant she
accidentally dropped the last of it on the kitchen floor. She picks it up and says she is not a germ-a-
phob. I just glare at her and am like.... have you looked at the kitchen floor lately? Matt's shoe footprints are all over this kitchen!
The floor is nasty! then she looked at the floor and say you are right and washes it. I wish she would have thrown it away but i guess the 5 second rule counts here. So she cooks the rest of her eggplant concoction and i try some. While sitting there i hear my stomach turn! I don;t think it is that big of a deal until i go upstairs and blog for a while. But about an hour later i had to run to the restroom and it was not a pretty site. well at least for me. After the restroom episode i feel better and sit back down to work on my t-shirt art a bit more. So i go to bed at 11pm, about an hour later i start having the chills, all over my body, i thought nothing of it so i just get up and change my clothes to put on something warmer. But then 10 minutes after i get back into bed i have the chills again and i am feeling like shit and my back starts to ache. Basically the entire night was of me tossing and turning + chills every 5 minutes. So not much sleep at all for me
Thursday night. My alarm wakes me up at 7:05 am and i turn it off and go back to bed and debate if i should call my boss to tell her i am feeling like shit and can't come into work. But i end up falling back asleep and wake back up at 8am and getting ready for work. my overall outfit,
American apparel leggings, cut off shorts, converse high tops, tank top layered over a flannel shirt and a poncho, and a head band, was this over a top, well, yes but did i care, well, not, i just threw things on that would make me feel comfortable. So i get to the train station at 8:30 and i walk straight into the first chair i see, i shit down and i look directly across the way and i see my boss, and with a straight face, i tell her 'silence is good.' She gives me a
smurk, nods and says okay. I
obviously feel terrible i said that but i was NOT in the mood to talk and be my perky self! well we get off the train and i tell her i feel like shit today and told her i did not get any sleep last night, and she said that she was not feeling that well either, i think to myself, shit! I want to go home and now i can't
cuz she is feeling like shit too! We get on to the bus and i would normally sit <<(i
accidentally spelled shit,
whoopsa)next to people i know, but i did not sit ( i did it again, and no i do not, wait maybe i do need to?) next to her, she just gives me a grin and we start to laugh.
So when we get to work i realize i did not have my wallet with all my cards in it, meaning i could not get into the office by myself, i need someone else with me. So my boss and i get into work and i think to myself, i need to take my vitamins, and eat something, after that i should feel better, hopefully. I go into the cafeteria and order a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and the guy looks at me and say no, you can't have that, i for a second thought he was joking but i saw no sign of a
smurk. a long 5 seconds later he says we had to pull all the PB because of the salmonella outbreak.
WTF, he totally could have said that to me in the first place and not just say no so i ask him can i just have jelly then.
WTF i hate him! I did not need that shit that early! did he not know was feeling like shit and that i looked like it too! DOUCHE!
So i get back with my sandwich and take a few bits out of it and am not satisfied but eat it anyways
cuz i thought i needed food. After that i take all my pills, my vitamin c, multi vitamin and lysine, and debated if i should take some
Tylenol also but decided against it. Everyone starts to stroll into work and i proceed to tell everyone i feel like shit and had the chills all night and then one of my co workers tells me i look like shit. AWESOME! and said i should go home, but like a good little
Asian girl, i gave myself until after lunch to see if i feel any better. So not feeling
hott at all in the morning,
Courtney asks if i want to take her
emergen c packet and down it, i feel
chirpy for one second and i am back down to my lowest, my other co worker asks if i want some of her tea, and i say i will try it, i tried her tea to help boost my immune system. after taking all that, i did not feel better at all. I pretty much sat there at work looking in to the abyss that i call work. It was not a productive day at work at all. in the middle of the day i track down
chau who is the
Asian meds queen at work, i asked her if she has any
menthol oil and says she has some at home and said that we can go home together
after work and she will give me the
menthol oil.
Well, okay this story is getting way too long, trying to cut it shorter, we go home 30 minutes early and she sends me packing with the
menthol oil,
umcka cold care liquid, and zinc lozenges pills, then wishes me luck.
I get home at 6 and make myself rice soup and by 730 i am in bed with all
meds and
menthol all over my body! I fall asleep and hear
Nancy leave but then at 11pm i hear someone singing,
uber loud, then i hear someone singing again, i am about pissed now that i am trying to sleep and the guy on the sidewalk wont walk faster and shut the f up. But then i realize that it is a song i recognized and it was
Matt singing in the restroom no less!
AHHHHHH! I don't really know how long i gave him to stop but i need to go to the restroom and he comes out of the restroom
cuz he hears footsteps (damn old floors!) and he is freaked that someone is in the house and he thought he was along and singing his heart out!
MOFO! he apologizes and lets me use the restroom
cuz i obviously looked like a
train wreck! Then i fall back asleep with no on singing anymore!
I wake up the next morning, 100% better and with 2 texts from friends saying they are ditching me on valentines day. But did i care, nope! I basically spent the day, in my sleeping garments + a fleece
hoody + long coat, returning movies to the library, getting my heels repaired on my boots, buying dye at the art store, going to west elm to try to pay for my bill, and going to trader
joes for food.
Did i feel better, Yes ma'am! So i remember later in the day that my roommate
Nancy was gonna make dinner for her boyfriend at the house, so i tried to stay out of the house so that they can have a romantic dinner, so i decided to plan my night out for about 3 hours, go to B2 to get some tea and read the newspaper for an hour, go get dinner at
Izumi (sushi) and go to acme. I passed B2 and they were having an art opening, so i head to
Izumi instead to have dinner. Overall rating, well,
miso, too bland, and
Izumi roll, too much soy sauce, it killed the eel flavor. Will maybe try it again, but three strikes and they are out! After I head to Acme for some yogurt, tomato sauce and some
Hersey chips to put in my banana nut bread. While in the supermarket i see a girl from work, they call her little
Courtney. She is not my
Courtney she is the big
Courtney cuz she is older, NOT bigger, just if you were thinking it and i know some of you were! I walk out of the acme and not having my glasses on or anything but i see a face that is familiar, i squint a little but and it is nick
chau's neighbor who is a hair stylist! Surprisingly, he still remembers me.
anywho, funny. I head home and see that
Nancy and her boyfriend are in the kitchen cooking dinner and tell them not to mind me, i will be out of their way shortly. Being so nice they asked if i wanted to join. Isn't that sad, no one to hang out with on valentines and my new roommate asks if i want to hang out with her and her boyfriend on valentines. I am sad! I say politely say no it is cool, they have fun and i head to my room at 730 and watch
lars and the real girl.
valentines day complete!
1-this is a small ass town! everyone knows you! its scary