so i just finished reading 'the dwarf' by par lagerkvist.
i really can't believe i finished a book.. i am sooo proud of myself! pat on the back...
anywho... i really did enjoy this book, i loved how dark the main character was... a must read!
it was so good i had marked all the parts i liked... here are a few......
'Love is something which dies and when dead it rots and becomes soil for a new love.'
'I do not know why I say that he smiled-but it was an expression that, on another face, might have been called a smile. I wonder if, like me, he cannot smile?'
'Women always prefer the silliest and most insignificant men, because they remind them of themselves.'
'I cannot understand the love that human beings feel for each other.'
'Why are they not like me?'
'Laughter is unlovely and disfiguring.'
'They are a people without country, but the whole world is theirs.'
'People look so strangely idiotic when they are in love, and particularly when they love in vain.'
listening to great lake swimmers-lost channels on
03.29.09 white hot chocolate mistake
so today i did my sunday ritual. church and then a white hot chocolate at B2. When the girl gave me my drink i took a sip of it and it did not taste like white hot chocolate cuz it had coffee in it. Kinda expecting to have white hot chocolate i was really delighted in the very mild coffee taste. I was just gonna leave and just enjoy the coffee but i had to ask her what it was even though she made a mistake. When i asked her what it was she looked at me in bewilderment and said it is white chocolate mocha. well obviously she apologized for making the mistake and said she will make me my hot chocolate and i said it was okay....blah blah blah... but there is expresso in it....blah blah worries... its fine. Anywho... very long story short.... i think i found my coffee drink! white chocolate mocha! YUMMY!!!!!!
other little tidbits... yesterday night i did my laundry. when i was folding my whites... i noticed that my vintage tank (made of a poly blend) was really stiff at the front top bodice.... it was really gross not knowing what the hell happened but i am assuming that in the dryer it got REALLY hot and it stiffened the top bodice... no melting of any sort just really really stiff! BOO lost a really cute tank!
and i started to sketch..... i am digging.... another hobby to keep me busy here.... yippie
the sketches are a little more asbtract then my previous sketches which are more cutesy..... what do you guys think?
(bear with me here... i forgot my purse at no camera right now, just my apple camera)
other little tidbits... yesterday night i did my laundry. when i was folding my whites... i noticed that my vintage tank (made of a poly blend) was really stiff at the front top bodice.... it was really gross not knowing what the hell happened but i am assuming that in the dryer it got REALLY hot and it stiffened the top bodice... no melting of any sort just really really stiff! BOO lost a really cute tank!
and i started to sketch..... i am digging.... another hobby to keep me busy here.... yippie
the sketches are a little more asbtract then my previous sketches which are more cutesy..... what do you guys think?
(bear with me here... i forgot my purse at no camera right now, just my apple camera)

03.20.09 chop me up
03.19.09 ebay inspiration
03.18.09 musico-bon iver

-skinny love
-creature fear
-for emma
or check him out on his myspace page
from the last post:
since only two of you devoted followers voted... i am gonna buy my glasses and shop this weekend! heheheheh.... lets see if my cheapness gets in the way.
03.17.09 what to buy.....
to today was umm... a very painful day.
too tired to write about the entire thing:
-got to work at 8:15
-answered emails
-showed boss fabrics for trans09 at 10
-had a fitting at 10:30
-showed boss courtney and i's mocks for our msr (monthly silhouette review) for retail store
-she showed us her shopping buys
-had to sketch about 15 bodies by 4pm
-worked on a new mock for tomorrow's meeting-adding raglan seams onto a body, adding zippers to front raglans, slimming hem to a more fitted body
-left work at 9pm
okay.... i have the urge to buy something for myself.... cuz i am a selfish bastard like that.
okay.... so i can either buy new eyeglass frames... from a store in NYC they are about $200
they are round... and a dark tortoise.... something these... but way cooler
image from ebay
or it is gonna be a shopping spree when i go up to nyc this weekend?!?!?!?!?
what should i do?
too tired to write about the entire thing:
-got to work at 8:15
-answered emails
-showed boss fabrics for trans09 at 10
-had a fitting at 10:30
-showed boss courtney and i's mocks for our msr (monthly silhouette review) for retail store
-she showed us her shopping buys
-had to sketch about 15 bodies by 4pm
-worked on a new mock for tomorrow's meeting-adding raglan seams onto a body, adding zippers to front raglans, slimming hem to a more fitted body
-left work at 9pm
okay.... i have the urge to buy something for myself.... cuz i am a selfish bastard like that.
okay.... so i can either buy new eyeglass frames... from a store in NYC they are about $200
they are round... and a dark tortoise.... something these... but way cooler
or it is gonna be a shopping spree when i go up to nyc this weekend?!?!?!?!?
what should i do?
03.15.09 fall09 favs
03.12.09 uno and arm wrestling
so we just got a letter from the president of the company saying that no one is going to get raises this year. BUT we can still conduct reviews...informally if you want to. after reading the letter i felt just terrible for everyone, i mean i have only been there 3 1/2 months but the other girls that have been there for more then a year and have not seen a raise yet and were probably promised one come reviews..... I know we are in a recession but at the same time there are tons of girls in the office that were counting on the raises to help pay for bills. It just sucks all around, the company wants to conserve the money it already has. but hey at the end of the day we all have jobs. just be thankful but at the same time we all have to look our for ourselves.
well tidbits about today.... work is obviously boring. Running around getting approvals, in meetings and fittings and trying to mock in between. I tried to mock today but there were no forms available to use cuz everyone in the office is trying to make mocks for the monthly meeting next Wednesday. But Courtney and I have this meeting and our trans body meeting to mock for. It is kinda stressful and tiring..... weekend plans..... umm... mocking! Fingers crossed for uber cute knock-offs. What i was working on today was an asymmetrical top with chainmail trim.... kinda cheezy you might think.. but not so bad.... if it doesn't get picked up..i am def posting a photo up..... cuz i had to break out my pattern making skills for this one (ie no form to work with and drape with) the top portion came out the way i wanted but the bottom came in too narrow.. but i think it was really cute on. I am also working on knocking off a cropped knit top from Contempo Casuals (can you all please give this amazing chain a shout out please! AMAZING SHIT!) also will be posting a photo if it is not picked up either.
Anywho enough about work.... the girls at work decided to make some dinner at Alyssa's place, kinda of a potluck.... veggie pasta, salad, guacamole, chips, hummus, broccoli, cheese, wine spritzers, uno and arm wrestling.... Uno game.... Stephanie one the 1st round and i won the next..... Arm wrestling... Stephanie beat all the girls even with her left arm. :(
listening to formally Cavil at Rest and from Orange, CA not Silverlake
well tidbits about today.... work is obviously boring. Running around getting approvals, in meetings and fittings and trying to mock in between. I tried to mock today but there were no forms available to use cuz everyone in the office is trying to make mocks for the monthly meeting next Wednesday. But Courtney and I have this meeting and our trans body meeting to mock for. It is kinda stressful and tiring..... weekend plans..... umm... mocking! Fingers crossed for uber cute knock-offs. What i was working on today was an asymmetrical top with chainmail trim.... kinda cheezy you might think.. but not so bad.... if it doesn't get picked up..i am def posting a photo up..... cuz i had to break out my pattern making skills for this one (ie no form to work with and drape with) the top portion came out the way i wanted but the bottom came in too narrow.. but i think it was really cute on. I am also working on knocking off a cropped knit top from Contempo Casuals (can you all please give this amazing chain a shout out please! AMAZING SHIT!) also will be posting a photo if it is not picked up either.
Anywho enough about work.... the girls at work decided to make some dinner at Alyssa's place, kinda of a potluck.... veggie pasta, salad, guacamole, chips, hummus, broccoli, cheese, wine spritzers, uno and arm wrestling.... Uno game.... Stephanie one the 1st round and i won the next..... Arm wrestling... Stephanie beat all the girls even with her left arm. :(
listening to formally Cavil at Rest and from Orange, CA not Silverlake
03.10.09 groomed to fail?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

i feel like i am failing at work. its kinda sad that i feel this way.......i don't want to feel this way but i can't help it....i am doing everything to the best of my ability but it seems like it is not working out for me so far. i am not gonna make excuses or blame people cuz as a designer i just need to adapt .... for the 1st time in my working career....i feel like i am gonna fail here.... not a good feeling to have at all... esp with only 5 years under my belt.
i know it will be all fine. I know i am a good designer. i know they have different ways of doing things. I know i know i know.
listening to kelly clarkson's new album.... NOPE!
03.04.09 trans09 tshirt dress with zippers
so here is another mock that did not get into the line. This style got morphed into a tank instead.
comments were: the neck is too high.....
anywho.... i got really great comments from my fellow co-workers, they are seriously all amazing designers, its soo intimidating! but anywho. i heart it. i am def wearing this in ny when i get the chance!
to make this dress consisted of: a brand new black tshirt, an old black tshirt a piece of black fabric with a graphic and rib from a fleece jacket i found in the bins, and zippers i found off jackets in the bins
comments were: the neck is too high.....
anywho.... i got really great comments from my fellow co-workers, they are seriously all amazing designers, its soo intimidating! but anywho. i heart it. i am def wearing this in ny when i get the chance!

03.02.09 fall2009 fav mens
03.01.09 smoking black sheep
so you already know how my saturday went. so when i got home from target... i just pretty much jumped into bed and ate a zone bar and laid there. a little later, my friend lana called me and wanted to know if i wanted to still come out for ladies night. I told her i was game to hang out. So the plan was to go to her place, at 7pm and have some drinks and she was gonna be helping out evita with altering her top and showing her how to use th sewing machine, and then go to the khyber bar to see black sheep. So girls night out, Lana, Evita, Courtney and me. We all had about 2 vodka sodas at her place and showed each other our dance moves we were gonna show off there.... courtney-not sure what the name of this dance is but it consisted of one hand on the neck and the other holder her ankle and making motions to try to have her elbow and her knee touch (please help me with this name or even a photo). It was amazing! i wish i had photos but courtney was not having it esp on my blog); Lana well... she had quite a lot of moves, running man and a move that involved her ass sticking out and making it move in circles and her new kids dance moves; evita showed her roger rabbit, and others i can't even explain and me.... welll. i showed them my grandma dance.......meaning my sexy dance..... after prepping we headed out to the khyber to see the show. We were hoping to not see the 1st act but when we got there... Lana said that it was a white guy doing hip hop. your call... yes or no? So we got there... paid $15 to get in... sucks! and all got drinks at the bar and headed to the stage. There was already 3 girls sitting up next to the stage and we walked up and stood near them but against the wall. But they did not look to happy to see up walk up whatsoever... why might you say.... well, it was me, an little asiain girl, a heffa (lana), evita (spanish maybe?) and a white girl (courtney) standing next to three african american girls. OMG it was soo intense..... i was just walking up all smiling and happy to be hanging out when i started to notice the intense dirty stares from the girls..... I just pretty much just turned my back to them and told courtney i was scared for our lives, and she said the exact same thing. WHy so much hate.... its the city of love right? Well, after a little while we all started to get antsy and was wondering why the acts did not start yet. So Courtney and Lana went to get more drinks and they found out that the 1st act did not even go on yet. Pissed off... we decided to go up stairs and check out the dance floor. We got up there...... we did not check out the dance floor and we made our own dance floor next to the free standing table..... and displayed our dance moves for 10 minutes and sat and talked about boys. There was only three chairs so i decided to stand..... not a good choice... cuz while talking about boys... i noticed i started to sway back and forth a bit. not soo good. We were up there for quite a while so we decided to go back down stairs and saw the 1st act... which were not bad.... we were all the way in the back of the crowd minding our own business and showing off our moves. interesting side note..... lana is always finds someone to chat up where ever we go. it is sooo true she will talk to ANYONE! when the 1st act was done.... we moved up closer to the stage and then another act that we did not know about went on..... ummm...... it looked like an italian dude and a jewish dude doing hip hop..... not sooo good... but then lana yet again managed to met these guy's manager..... 1/4 of the way thru their set lana went to the restroom and evita was afraid she was sick....and i told her... ummm.... she is okay.... i have seen her worse.... this ain't bad..... but i still went to go check up on her anyways. When she got out... she said she was hungry so lana and i just left to go outside to get a bit to eat..... we shared a slice of pepperoni pizza. We go back into the venue and the girls were not where we left them.....they had left looking for us and were at the bar. While waiting at the bar... this girl comes up to me and says.... what's your name.... i was like, Kim! Then she says... i'm sorry, i thought you looked familiar, i thought you went to a wedding 2 weeks ago..... and she paused for my answer and i was like..... ummmm.... no. After that awkward conversation.... her friend passes out right behind Lana.... and knowing Lana... she doesn't even notice the large body on the ground next to her.... i swear for a second i thought she was gonna step on her head... HA it was sad... but funny...
evita and lana
SO finally black sheep went on and....lets say...i have never been that much of a hip hop fan... but he made me one! he was amazing! I am def watching gonna be downloading their music. Here is a little video of his freestyle.
Okay i tried to rotate the movie... but i am NOT gonna spend $30 to get the software to do it.... anywho... you can't see anything anyways... just listen
i am def trying to embed the youtube link into the blog.... will hopefully learn how to do it in the next week.
other little tidbits about his act.... umm... skanky whores all over the place..... and a girl passing him a joint on stage. AMAZING. talk about loving everyone for who they are.... i mean in between all the 'nigger' and curse words...... he made me a fan....

1-2:02pm-the house smells like someone just crapped all over the house.. it reeks sooooooooo bad i can't stand it! and it aint me
2-all morning-listening to patsy kline
3-if i ever pass out from drinking... you are allowed to kill me
4- my toast already had a burnt hole thru it

SO finally black sheep went on and....lets say...i have never been that much of a hip hop fan... but he made me one! he was amazing! I am def watching gonna be downloading their music. Here is a little video of his freestyle.
Okay i tried to rotate the movie... but i am NOT gonna spend $30 to get the software to do it.... anywho... you can't see anything anyways... just listen
i am def trying to embed the youtube link into the blog.... will hopefully learn how to do it in the next week.
other little tidbits about his act.... umm... skanky whores all over the place..... and a girl passing him a joint on stage. AMAZING. talk about loving everyone for who they are.... i mean in between all the 'nigger' and curse words...... he made me a fan....

1-2:02pm-the house smells like someone just crapped all over the house.. it reeks sooooooooo bad i can't stand it! and it aint me
2-all morning-listening to patsy kline
3-if i ever pass out from drinking... you are allowed to kill me
4- my toast already had a burnt hole thru it

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