02.20.09 do you want me to fluff and fold also?

so was pretty boring, all i did was pretty much eat and much all day long at work and made a top and 3/4 of the way done with a dress. Not to bad in a day. I am usually happy with just finishing one garment. Well anywho i was hitching a ride home with Courtney (she is my ride home at night, its awesome! she saves me $1.49 each day!) anywho on the ride home, i get a call from Matt (roommate), i was not gonna pick it up but i felt bad so i did, boy i should not have picked it up. Picked it up and he asked if i was home yet and i said not yet, and that i would be home in like 15 minutes. So he asks if i can turn on the dryer for him and said that if i can open the dryer door to loosen the sheets so that it all get fully dry)....... umm...... apparently i am the maid in this f***ing house!

1-i called boobs, boobers.... why? i have no idea what i was talking about.

1 comment:

yen said...

hahahahah....you do more house work in philly than you do in cali....now when you come home you better fluff and fold our sheets!!!