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10.03.08 LUCKY DAY
So I went to an interview in Phili with Free People. The one place I have wanted to work at for the longest time..... I get ready for an interview with Free People in Phili. Outfit requirements: dress casual cuz they want to eye me up and down..... what do I wear... a boys button up striped shirt and plaid skinny capri shorts. Lets just say it was VERY casual!!! I had to go pick up my tickets at the train station so I left the apartment about 10:30 am so that I can check out the Free People store in Chelsea. I walk to the Free People store which is on 5th Ave just north of 14th St. It is a pretty nice looking store but I must say that the FP stores in Cali look way better!!! Just my opinion! I wander around the store about 30 minutes to get the vibe, and leave to go into the Anthropologie store across the street, I roam around that store for about 3o minutes and walk out with nothing. (pat on the back) I realize I need cash to pay for the taxi in Phili so I head to Chase-whom bought WAMU, so I assumed that I could use their ATMs right? Nope, I get charged $3 for using the ATM....Is WAMU and Chase not the same banks now? I check online and my checking says Chase-WAMU.... All I have to say is that I better get my money back! and WAMU better not charge me....huh....will I get charged by WAMU???? since they are not a bank anymore???? I WANT MY MONEY! Anyways..... on my way back to the station I decide to go into Urban cuz I have an hour to kill and I have a $100 gift certificate to burn. I've had this gift certificate for about a year now and have not even used a cent of it.... SUCKS!! I never find anything I like...until I went into that urban...I found some Levi's 421 skinny jeans in the eyeliner color.... I go to try on the jeans and lets just say they were tighter than a glove..... Not so much a good look on me.... You say photo? YOU WISH!! The jeans were a really nice color and I liked the fit... so I go out and to see if they have one size up, but just my luck... they don't have it! While I was looking for the size I realize that dirty boy from subway with the crazy eyes works there. And yes, he is trying to have a staring contest with me again for some reason... All I could think was stare at the ground.... DUDE! these guys eyes are pretty intimidating and scary! So my attempt to purchase something was a bust, so I head back to the station but get a little side tracked my a stomach was leading the way! Well, I pick up a few things and what do I find there.......Fried Onions!!!!! I could not pass that up! I had to buy not 1 can but 2! YES!!! Finally a great purchase! heheheheheh I finally get on the train at 1:30pm and take a seat near the rear of the car where there are 4 seats facing each other and get a window seat. The entire time I hope that no one sits with me, and again.... just my luck! this Asian dude comes and sits with me....I smile and let it be. But then he pissed me off! He sits directly in front of me. Why am I pissed... Well let me tell you.... obviously it is a free world.... but geez! can you take another seat besides the one that is directly facing me. I think to myself he wants to talk right? well.. F no I am not gonna satisfy him! I put on my headphones and read my book! HA! So about 20 minutes into the ride he starts to doze off. You know when people are sitting up right and trying to sleep and their head bobs up and down and to the side....hahehheheahahaheheh... yeah like that... It was pretty funny...It kept me entertained for about 10 minutes. That is when he gets really uncomfortable and decides to slide over to the seat next to him so that he can relax his legs! DUMB BASTARD! SEE! SEE why I am pissed! I finally get there an 1hr and 30 minutes later and get a taxi to head to the interview at the Naval base. I first interview with the Recruiter and then the Design Director. The interview with the recruiter went great... we just talked and she looked thru my portfolio...the piece of crap that it is.... and head over to talk to the Design Director in the Free People Building.....there is a building for reach division.... there is an Urban Outfitters, Free People, Anthropologie building and there is a cafeteria with a to all employees!!!! AMAZING! Hey if I get a job there, I might go exercise! hehehehheheh maybe..... So I sit and talk to the Design Director about my work experience and she looks thru my portfolio.....but the entire time I could not keep eye contact with her..... I think we were sitting so close I got a bit weird.... I realized that I was not making eye contact with her and start to but then she starts to stare at my portfolio! DAMN! But then she tells me that the computer sketches do not translate to her at all. She says that when she sees the photoshoot pictures and the cad next to each other she can't see how the factory made the garment with the cad..... AHHHHHHH!!! And she tells me that they are very hands on there and they sketch everything by hand! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! But it still sound amazing to be working and being crafty all day! She then asked me where I was from and I told her that I was from Orange County and she she told me that she has a few girls from Orange County in the department. I told her that one of my old high school mates works at urban- Jasmine Yoon and she tells me that she works for Free People. I freak out a little bit like the teeny bopper I am and say 'SMALL WORLD!' So we end the interview with her asking me to do 3 little groups so that she can get a feel of what I might do for the company. She runs to go grab Jasmine, and like two high schoolers we get very gitty! I head back to the Phili train station to go back to NY.
Here are some photos from the ride...
30th St Station-outside
inside station
At this point I am starving!!! Chips and water did not do it for me. I buy a tuna melt from COSI, and I took my first bit and I think I about died! It was a pretty good sandwich!! I def recommend COSI!!! I finally get back into the city and head to the Crocodile Lounge in the East Village to meet up with the girls..... Lets just say..this place.... you buy a drink and you get a mini pizza all night!!! Why would you want to go anywhere else???? Lets just say the girls got there at 6pm and we left about 12:30am..... Why did we stay so long....well.... Pizza and free drinks from the bartender ain't so bad right? :P All I can remember is....Kathy hiding her phone in her bra and the girls calling her and her boobs glowing.... a guy saying 'when he wants to settle down he is going back to the midwest to get married and have babies', a guy telling Amanda 'I'm loney tonight' and a guy asking Amanda 'where do you go to meet guys?, I punch Kathy in the neck and say 'lets dance douche bag!' Interesting......We finally leave the bar to go to heaven..... DESSERT TRUCK!!! On our drunk walk to dessert truck... Amanda is running after me telling me she loves me and wants to hug me and Kathy just saying that I am a mean drunk. Lets just get this straight right now.... I am always mean, I don't need to be drunk to be mean..... Its just a good excuse to punch people! heheheheheh Well also on the way to heaven I think about Alex Greenwald and tell Kathy that I would have been all over him if I was at their show tonight (my bad) he is sooo pretty! .....Well, we get to St. Mark's St and we have to wait at the corner for everyone else to catch up and start to people watch.... I see this guy and! he is really cute.... he get closer and realize I know this dude! Its Alex Greenwald..... I freak out and run tell Kathy and then I get really gitty and my buzz is gone.... He killed my buzz! but then again he can kill whatever he wants!!!
The one and only Alex
So I call Thu and tell her what happened and tells me that that I need to buy a lottery ticket.... I head into the first liquor store I see and DAMN IT he says 'machine down' I head to the next one and he says the exact same thing and adds that all the machines are down after midnight! WTF!!! I am on a roll!!!! So I settle for a scratcher... a $5 one! its the first one I saw! Am I a millionare? nope! NOT YET!!!! But am I mad that I am not a millionare? nope! not so much!
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I heart Alex!
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